Tomball declines to be like Farmers Branch

I’m stunned. Pleased, but stunned.

The Tomball City Council late Tuesday defeated a proposal to make English the city’s official language and voted down another measure seeking to prohibit illegal immigrants from renting or owning property or owning or operating a business there.

The council also voted to keep the city’s day laborer site open and operating, despite vociferous protests from some in the audience.

And officials delayed taking action on a proposal to award city contracts strictly to companies and subcontractors that hire and use only legal U.S. citizens as employees.

Most council members agreed that making English the city’s official language was an unnecessary move that would not enhance Tomball’s image or interests. And most of the city’s elected officials appeared leery of the idea seeking to limit undocumented immigrants’ property rights, noting it could bring an avalanche of lawsuits challenging its constitutionality, which could cost the city millions.

“I’d sure hate to take our people down that route,” said City Councilman Rick Brown. “It’s lawsuit after lawsuit.”

Councilman Preston Dodson agreed, saying such a move could have “huge constitutionality issues.”

Yes, it’s lawsuit after lawsuit, which you will lose, all the while spending millions of dollars that could have been spent on more productive pursuits. That’s been a badge of honor in Farmers Branch, or at least it will be until they have to declare bankruptcy. I’m glad to see that Tomball has more sense than that. Jake Silverstein and Marc Campos have more.

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