Today is primary day

Today’s the day!

The interactive map of voting locations is here. Note that they list 381 total locations, but only show 50 at a time, and they seem to be ordered more or less in a north-to-south fashion. Don’t freak out if you don’t see anything close to you at first glance. A PDF list of locations is here – it’s alphabetized instead of being in precinct order, so it’s probably more useful if you have a location in mind and just want to verify that it’s available.

Probably about half of the votes for the primaries in both parties will be cast today, so it should be brisk business but hopefully not too congested anywhere. This will be the first real test of the new voting machines with paper receipts, but as long as each location has multiple printers there should be some mitigation for technology issues. We’ll see how that goes. I also hope that the issue of how many machines are dedicated to each party at each location is resolved in a better way than it was in 2020. I really don’t want to see anyone still voting at midnight. I’ve got another post up about various Election Day things, and of course I’ll have results tomorrow. Check in with your experience in the comments if you vote today.

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One Response to Today is primary day

  1. Flypusher says:

    This election I have a valid reason to request a mail in ballot. I had foot surgery in January and am still a couple weeks away from being able to drive. But I got a friend to drive me to the polls today, because the GOP has completely FUBARed the process, as designed.

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