Round One goes to the grackles

The humans have negotiated a cease-fire in the Grackle War.

Concerned about grackles that have been attacking people outside the Harris County Administration Building, building managers have decided to keep the area blocked off until the birds’ fledglings learn to fly.

“Our intent is not to harm the birds in any way, shape or fashion, and the way to do that is to have people go around to another entrance,” said Arcadio Avalos, safety coordinator in the county’s facilities and management department.

Officials put up police tape to close off part of the sidewalk on Preston on Monday after the blackbirds attacked people who were going into the county building. The birds appeared to be trying to protect a young grackle that had fallen out of a nest in a stand of magnolia trees.

The tape probably will remain in place at least for several more days until the young birds can fly, after which the adults’ aggressive behavior is expected to abate, Avalos said.

Snarkery aside, that seems like the sensible thing to do. Let’s hear it for the HS&E team for bringing about a peaceful end to this conflict.

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3 Responses to Round One goes to the grackles

  1. William Hughes says:

    ” The birds appeared to be trying to protect a young grackle that had fallen out of a nest in a stand of magnolia trees.”

    At least that explains the Houston Great-Tailed Grackle Grapple. 🙂

    To be honest, I’ve never even heard of great-tailed grackles before this. At least I can say I learned something from this.

  2. William Hughes says:


    This is to warn you that I am about to tell a really bad joke. I am required by the laws of decency to place this alert to warn all readers of this commentary that I am aware of how bad this joke really is. Please do not blame the management for the quality of this joke.

    Since the birds were reacting to a youngster falling out of a tree, I guess you could call it a case of snap, grackle plop.

    Y’all were warned!

  3. Jim D says:

    No, this is war, there can be no surrender and only total and unconditional victory.

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