Texas blog roundup for the week of May 13

The Texas Progressive Alliance is still marveling at Stormy Daniels’ testimony in the Trump trial as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff looks at the Q1 2024 finance reports for Democratic Senate and Congressional candidates.

SocraticGadfly notes how, 20 years of statewide control on, Republican candidates still blame Democrats for issues like K-12 education.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project says Democratic primary runoff candidate Annette Ramirez pledged to help the HCAD slate and the full Democratic slate if she is the Democratic nominee for Tax Assessor. Let’s hold her to her commitment.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Law Dork looks at the next Voting Rights Act lawsuit coming to SCOTUS.

The TSTA Blog looks for the real meaning of Teacher Appreciation Week.

Texas 2036 runs some data on raising a family in Texas.

The Austin Chronicle reports on SxSW’s expansion to London.

Reform Austin convers Pastors For Children, a coalition of pastors from nine states dedicated to fighting against efforts to privatize education across the United States.

The Houston Press highlights two book-banning moms in Montgomery County.

Daniel Cohen provides his endorsements for the Democratic Primary runoffs in Harris County.

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