Harris County settles sexual misconduct lawsuit against Precinct 1 Constable’s office

An ugly chapter.

Harris County commissioners on Tuesday agreed to pay four women $1.5 million, settling a civil lawsuit that alleged an array of sexual misconduct and exploitation during so-called “bachelor party” stings while working as rookie Precinct 1 constable deputies.

The 2021 federal lawsuit took aim at Constable Alan Rosen and two of his top-ranking superiors, all of whom were dismissed from the case, based on complaints that female deputies were picked for undercover vice assignments and then sexually abused.

The settlement includes Liz Gomez, Marissa Sanchez, Felicia McKinney and Jassmine Huff, who alleged the sting operations would devolve into “a booze-fueled playground for sexual exploitation.”

Gomez accused the department of subjecting her to sexual harassment, inappropriate touching, sexual ridicule and molestation during two undercover operations she participated in. The operations, described in the lawsuit as “bachelor party” stings, took place in a hotel room where undercover deputies posed as party goers and sex workers. Sex workers who tried to sell services for cash would be arrested and pressured to provide information about their traffickers or pimps, according to court documents.

She asked to be removed from the human trafficking unit.

Sanchez said in the suit that she was instructed “to wear revealing clothing, simulate sexual activity, and allow (her superior) to kiss, touch, and fondle her.”


A judge ruled previously that Rosen could not be personally sued for the misconduct allegations as an elected constable. The ruling allowed the lawsuit to proceed against the county and two of Rosen’s employees, Assistant Chief Deputy Chris Gore and Lt. Shane Rigdon, but those two were ultimately dismissed with prejudice.

The women accused Gore of kissing and fondling them during the operations, where he ordered subordinates to leave his name off any offense reports. Rosen was alleged to have attended at least one of the operations, according to the lawsuit.

Rosen defended his deputies and his department as the case proceeded through the courts.

See here for previous blogging. Once Constable Rosen and his two employees were removed from the suit, leaving only Harris County as the defendant, a settlement seemed likely once the suit was allowed to proceed. I’m sorry the plaintiffs won’t get to tell their story in court, and I’m still not happy that the other three defendants were dismissed, but I hope this settlement brings them some peace. I really hope there are some better controls in place in all of the Constables’ offices to prevent any future occurrences.

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2 Responses to Harris County settles sexual misconduct lawsuit against Precinct 1 Constable’s office

  1. Meme says:

    Heights and Meyerland keep supporting him.

  2. Tammy B says:

    I’m disappointed that these officers were not held accountable. I was bullied in high school by one of the men…and based on the description of what happened… he’s still a stand out citizen. (Insert eye roll.) I thought karma had finally caught up with him… instead… our tax dollars were used to get him out of trouble. Maybe they will use some of the $ to bring a civil case… but can’t blame them if they just want to move on with their lives. To the victims… I believe you… and I’m sorry.

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