At long last, it’s “Lost”

The season premier of Lost is tonight. I will not be answering the phone for the duration. And let us all once again give thanks for the bounty that is TiVo.

If you want to get an idea of what lies ahead for this season, check out these two stories. I didn’t see anything in them that I considered to be true spoilers, but some people are more sensitive to that sort of thing than others, so surf carefully if you prefer to go into the season blind.

I guess I’m okay with the schedule they have for Lost where there’s six weeks of new shows, followed by a 2 month or so hiatus, then 17 more weeks of new shows. I just hope I don’t forget what happened in between. With that and 24 doing its usual post-Christmas-only season, I’ll have plenty to watch for that duration.

I’ve not added any new shows to the TiVo schedule. Some of them look interesting, but not enough for me to invest the time, especially if I ever plan to try and catch up on Battlestar Galactica, a show for which I have no real good excuse for not watching. I removed the season pass for Desperate Housewives last week. Between the football-induced time period spillover for The Amazing Race and my own declining interest, it seemed like the right thing to do. If anyone who is still watching thinks I’ve blown it, let me know.

What new shows are you watching? What old ones have you dropped? Let me know.

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11 Responses to At long last, it’s “Lost”

  1. Buhallin says:

    Galactica is undoubtedly my top interest for the season. We’re hosting a frak party – it’s the first show since college Trek that’s inspired me to have as many people together as possible for viewing.

    Tried Jericho, and going to give it one more episode, but so far my impression is that it’s every bad TV cliche all rolled into one. Even apart from that, Galactica set the bar very, VERY high for “The world has just ended” storylines… I don’t expect Jericho to match up.

    Heroes has been pretty good so far… The characters are largely interesting, even if the basic plot is something of an X-Men ripoff… There’s definite hints of a larger storyline, we’ll see how it plays out.

    My enthusiasm for Lost is down a bit, but Supernatural is still good and I can’t help but watch Smallville for the rare good Superman moment.

    And so ends my weekly TV list 🙂

  2. Michael says:

    We were in Maryland Friday night and saw the first two Dr. Who episodes from the new season on SciFi. Still not going to get cable, but it was good stuff.

  3. Kent from Waco says:

    I agree about desperate housewives. Can’t even get through one of the new episodes. Teri Hatcher makes me want to drive nails into my skull. It’s gone completely inane.

    Oh yes, Battlestar Glactica is my favorite show on TV. My advice? Don’t even bother to watch the new season if you haven’t started. Get the original miniseries and first season on DVD from netflix and start from there. The DVDs will play better on a widescreen TV than the SciFi channel feed. If you like Lost, you’ll like Battlestar. It has the same level of long mysterious plot threads.

    While you’re doing that, also get Firefly on DVD and watch that series from beginning to end if you haven’t done so. Then cry that the criminals that run Fox canceled it after less than one season.

    As for the new shows?

    Smith: Maybe my favorite of the new shows. Follows a gang of highly professional thieves as the plan their heists and deal with their unknowing wives. Ray Liottta is great as the mastermind leader and so is his suspecting wife Virginia Madsen. Amy Smart, one of his crew is totally totally hot.

    Friday Night Lights: Showed promise. Pretty much followed the plot of the movie except that the star players were white not black and the girlfriends were WAY WAY too hot to be average town girls from west Texas.

    Kidnapped: Sort of like 24 in that each episode is about 1 day in the life of a kidnapped kid and the family and hired gun who is trying to find him.

    The Wire: Not a new show but new for me as I just started watching it. Basically you just sit there and absorb it and be glad you don’t live in Baltimore.

    Shows we tried but gave up on already:

    Brothers and Sisters. Really lame soap about a California fruit magnate family.

    Shark: Lawyer show with James Wood. Fun but just not in the same league as Boston Legal.

    Eureka: The first few episodes were quite cool but it’s not aging well. I think they are running out of inspiration.

    I still have CSI on the Tivo and Law and Order. Finally took CSI Miami off.

  4. To be honest, CSI, CSI Miami, and many of the “Law and Order” shows are about the only ones I watch with any regularity. I really don’t “have” to watch those. It’s mostly news.

    But, I MUST watch SouthPark. The season Premier is tonight, and the phone will be going off for that.

    Of course, I still catch the Simpsons every Sunday when I can (and Boston Legal when I remember), but my TV watching has decreased dramatically in recent years because I hate reality TV.

    I gave up on Desparate Housewives, btw, after the first season.

    God, I miss The Practice.

  5. becky says:

    Boston Legal can’t be beat!

  6. Sue says:

    Tried “Justice” because I like Victor Garber. Made it through three episodes before I decided even he wasn’t enough to keep me watching a legal drama, especially one with nausea-inducing camera work.

    LOVE “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip”. And yes, part of that is because one of the stars is Matthew Perry, who has from time to time been on my Laminated List.

    Still giving “Desperate Housewives” a chance, though I’m growing weary of the woman who is the mother of Tom’s other kid. By and large, this season has been OK. The best laugh came when Xioi Mei had her baby and he was held up for all to see for the first time.

    “The Amazing Race” is surprisingly jerk-free this season. There’s really only one couple I’d like to see gone immediately. The rest seem like pretty decent people. It’s nice to not have a Jonathan or Guidos or a Rob. And, even better, there doesn’t appear to be a Kendra-type Ugly American, either. We just watch the end of football and then “60 Minutes” if football ran late.

  7. Man, did last night’s “Lost” premier kick ass or what? That opening scene was out-freaking-standing. I cannot wait to learn more about the Others.

    Sue, I’m with you 100% on The Amazing Race. They found some high quality people this year, and I’ve been sad to see all the eliminated pairs go so far.

    The one I’m keeping an eye on for Jerk status is Peter, the boyfriend of Sarah with the artificial leg. She’s awesome, but he’s getting on my nerves, and the preview for this week’s ep doesn’t cast him in any more favorable a light. The fact that she seems to recognize he may not be the person she thought she admired just makes Sarah even more ridiculously appealing.

  8. Buhallin says:

    Definitely an… interesting… start for Lost. I loved the opening scene, but the rest of it was just a bit to completely strange. It made for some interesting tension, but the actions of the Others were so completely incomprehensible that it broke the barrier into “The writers really don’t have a clue what they’re doing, either” land.

    Not giving up on it by any means (unlike Jericho, which did indeed manage to get worse last night), but I think I’ve crossed the line from “suspensefully intrigued” to “completely baffled”, and that’s not a good thing.

  9. jordo says:

    I myself love Battlestar Galactica. I have watched it ever since day 1. Lost is really good to though, but I have a tendancy to focus on BSG on my blog at:

  10. jordo says:

    I myself love Battlestar Galactica. I have watched it ever since day 1. Lost is really good to though, but I have a tendancy to focus on BSG on my blog at:

  11. Warsaw says:

    Galactica is undoubtedly my top interest for the season. We’re hosting a frak party – it’s the first show since college Trek that’s inspired me to have as many people together as possible for viewing.

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