Karen Carter for Congress

There is a second runoff for a Congressional seat, over in Louisiana where their open-primary-in-November style requires a majority and often means overtime for a race or two. This one is of special note because it involves the notorious Rep. William “How’d all that money get in my freezer?” Jefferson. I just want to take a moment and add my endorsement to those of the Netroots for Jefferson’s opponent, Karen Carter. If you’re not completely tapped out from the November 7 election, consider making a donation to help Carter’s cause. Better yet, if you’re from that district, volunteer to help her out. This race, unlike CD23, won’t make Congress any bluer, as both Carter and Jefferson are Democrats. It can, however, make it cleaner, and after seeing one corrupt Republican incumbent after another go down, it’d be nice to finish the job by sending Rep. Jefferson back to the private sector (and, eventually, the tender mercies of the criminal justice system) with them.

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3 Responses to Karen Carter for Congress

  1. kevin whited says:

    If you’re not completely tapped out from the November 7 election, consider making a donation to help Carter’s cause.

    Or maybe consider a charitable donation!

    Crazy wild idea for those who expect government to do everything I realize, but the fact is that a dollar donated to the food bank or salvation army or meals on wheels helps real people in need a lot more than what amounts to petty cash for the typical pol.

  2. PeterB says:

    kevin – you’re thinking too small.

    $10 to a charitable donation is a good thing and provides a meal or two to those who need it;

    $10 to a challenger of a corrupt congressman can result in his firing. His removal can help reduce the abuse of office that results in millions being wasted or siphoned off from the national treasury – some of which could then be allocated to agencies that could end up helping thousands of people.

    Jefferson has been stealing from our piggy-bank. It’s worth a few of our dollars to cut off his access to it.

  3. Why must it be an either-or, Kevin? I have a budget for political giving, a budget for charitable giving, and a budget for other things (trivialities like mortgage, food, child care, etc). Either people have room in their own budgets for this sort of thing if it moves them or they don’t. I don’t understand your objection.

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