Endorsement watch: Prop 15

Still no surprises in the Chron endorsements so far, as they give a thumbs-up to Prop 15.

Proposition 15 has an appropriate champion in Austinite and bicycle racer Lance Armstrong, who not only survived testicular cancer but went on to win his seven Tour de France titles after diagnosis and treatment. Armstrong, whose foundation is dedicated to helping cancer patients, serves on the executive committee of the Texans to Cure Cancer campaign.

In a meeting with the Chronicle editorial board, Armstrong made a persuasive appeal for state support for a broad-based war on cancer. He argues that Texas is the logical place for such an effort, with institutions such as the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Houston’s Texas Medical Center already leaders in cancer research and treatment.

“When you are asking people to vote something like this,” Armstrong said, “you also have to be open and honest and realistic with them. As a cancer survivor, I can tell you we just have to keep plugging away, because it’s one disease at a time. I don’t think anyone’s going to come along and get the silver bullet that cures [all] cancer.”


An initiative in California to raise and spend billions of dollars on embryonic stem cell research encountered difficulties in effectively disbursing the money to researchers. Dr. John Mendelsohn, M.D. Anderson president, expects the noncontroversial nature of cancer research to make the process in Texas much smoother. He expects the first grants to be awarded next year if the proposition is approved.

Money to fight cancer and boost the state’s technology is money well-spent. The Chronicle recommends that voters help themselves and all Texans by casting a ballot for Proposition 15.

Despite turnout questions, I think Prop 15 will pass without too much difficulty. Just the coverage Lance Armstrong will get when he’s in town next Tuesday ought to be worth a bunch of votes. In case you’re curious, I do plan on voting for this. What about you?

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