HBA 2010 Judicial Candidate Qualification Questionnaire

Via Hair Balls, we find the 2010 version of the Houston Bar Association Judicial Candidate Qualification Questionnaire, in which the HBA’s membership rates judicial candidates, plus candidates for County Judge and District Clerk, as “Not Qualified”, “Qualified”, or “Well Qualified” for that position. I’ve heard some folks, like Tom Kirkendall, refer to the HBA poll as just a popularity contest, and some folks, like commenter mollusk, say it’s more than that. Certainly, some of the candidates are better known than others, and I think it’s safe to say there’s a bit of bias towards incumbents, as the devil you know is generally preferred to the one you don’t, assuming said devil isn’t known to be awful. I say it’s another piece of data, much like another set of endorsements, and you can make of it what you will. If nothing else, it’s a bit of light shining on the handful of primaries for which I’ve received no Q&A responses from any of the candidates. So check it out and factor it in to your decision making accordingly.

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