Election results: Perry avoids a runoff

So it’s official, the so-called “Battle of the Titans” was a titanic dud, with Rick Perry scraping past the 50% mark to win the GOP nomination for Governor again. Kay Bailey Hutchison, whose campaign will someday be used in political science classes as an example of what not to do, barely broke 30% and has conceded the race, though Debra Medina has not, and is still fantasizing about a runoff. KBH endorsed Rick Perry in her concession speech, gritting her teeth the whole time, I’m sure. We’ll have to see what her supporters and Medina’s do now. I for one can’t wait to see the next round of polls.

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2 Responses to Election results: Perry avoids a runoff

  1. Michelle says:

    Perry likens his win tonight to the Republican wins in NJ, Virginia and Mass. He’s got to be delusional. And I am not exaggerating.

    I think enough people remember Bill White vs. Perry during Rita/Katrina and Ike to understand White is better for our state. At least that is my hope.

  2. Patrick says:

    For all the “running against Washington” that Perry did with such success, what hasn’t been noted in any of the coverage is that of the 14 incumbent US Representatives running for reelection with opposition in the primaries (11 Rep and 3 Dem), 9 of them got 80% or more of the vote, only one failed to garner at least 60% of the vote and every single one won their primary and avoided a runoff.

    All of them. For all the talk of anti-incumbent, anti-Washington voter sentiment, it didn’t translate in a single contested primary in Texas.

    And that doesn’t even count all of the races where there was no opposition in the primary including at least a half dozen where there will be no opposition in the general election from the opposite party.

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