Primary turnout by State Rep district

After I published the report on primary voting by State Rep district for Harris County, I got a note from Diane Trautman asking me if I could do the same thing for turnout. At first I said no, as the canvass data I had did not include registered voter information for each precinct, but then it occurred to me that the cumulative report did include such totals for each SRD. So, I went back to the original data I had, summed up the vote totals per district, and came up with the report that you will see beneath the fold.

In this report, I give vote totals for the Presidential, Senate, Supreme Court Places 7 and 8, County Judge, Sheriff, and Tax Assessor races. As before, the Presidential vote only counts ballots cast for Obama and Clinton, so the turnout numbers there will be a tad lower than the Ballots Cast number that the County Clerk lists for each district. I then divided each of those totals into the number of Registered Voters, and got a turnout percentage for each district. I only did the 21 SRDs that I could differentiate; I skipped the other four.

The State Rep district that had the highest level of participation across the board was Rep. Alma Allen’s HD 131, where over 35% of registered voters cast a ballot in the Presidential primary. Other districts that topped 30% in the Presidential race were HDs 139, 142, 146, and 147, with HD 134 falling just short. HD 131 also had over 28% participation in the Senate race.

On the county level, the Sheriff’s race drew the most votes everywhere except HD 127, where the Tax Assessor race had more, and HD 134, where the County Judge race won out. Not too surprisingly, HD 127 is Trautman’s home district, while HD 134 is where David Mincberg lives.

Not much else to add here, though I will note that this should provide yet another piece of evidence against the Royal Masset crossover Republican theory, given that even in solid Democratic districts, the dropoff from the Presidential race to the Senate and other downballot races was uniformly steep. There’s no pattern I see to indicate different behavior in Republican and Democratic districts.

Click on for the report. Let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s something else about the primary vote you’d like me to investigate.

Dist Pres Sen SC7 SC8 Judge Sher Tax Voters Pres % Sen % SC7 % SC8 % Judge% Sher % Tax % HD126 14635 11553 10140 10170 8883 9528 9134 81404 17.98% 14.19% 12.46% 12.49% 10.91% 11.70% 11.22% HD127 16736 12779 11121 11141 9662 10366 10447 100061 16.73% 12.77% 11.11% 11.13% 9.66% 10.36% 10.44% HD129 15933 12259 10282 10413 9230 9502 9262 85972 18.53% 14.26% 11.96% 12.11% 10.74% 11.05% 10.77% HD131 22232 17887 15941 15974 13982 15206 14368 62529 35.55% 28.61% 25.49% 25.55% 22.36% 24.32% 22.98% HD133 12771 9886 8505 8507 7430 7741 7388 62041 20.58% 15.93% 13.71% 13.71% 11.98% 12.48% 11.91% HD134 27170 20306 16220 16047 16029 14965 14585 93338 29.11% 21.76% 17.38% 17.19% 17.17% 16.03% 15.63% HD135 13362 10538 9101 9108 7877 8532 8029 73689 18.13% 14.30% 12.35% 12.36% 10.69% 11.58% 10.90% HD137 6862 5255 4512 4535 3925 4221 3891 34777 19.73% 15.11% 12.97% 13.04% 11.29% 12.14% 11.19% HD138 12065 9698 8253 8281 7279 7996 7294 60837 19.83% 15.94% 13.57% 13.61% 11.96% 13.14% 11.99% HD139 20924 16515 14600 14618 12733 14454 13371 68089 30.73% 24.26% 21.44% 21.47% 18.70% 21.23% 19.64% HD140 9546 7841 6946 7030 5685 7341 5981 43692 21.85% 17.95% 15.90% 16.09% 13.01% 16.80% 13.69% HD141 19288 14303 12459 12512 10372 11714 11000 70639 27.31% 20.25% 17.64% 17.71% 14.68% 16.58% 15.57% HD142 21135 16417 14330 14391 12125 13814 12628 69171 30.55% 23.73% 20.72% 20.80% 17.53% 19.97% 18.26% HD143 9156 7571 6582 6669 5137 6804 5352 43488 21.05% 17.41% 15.14% 15.34% 11.81% 15.65% 12.31% HD144 12172 10207 8974 9066 7773 8596 7978 70135 17.36% 14.55% 12.80% 12.93% 11.08% 12.26% 11.38% HD145 10890 9715 8095 8150 6613 8525 6708 44609 24.41% 21.78% 18.15% 18.27% 14.82% 19.11% 15.04% HD146 27051 21057 18023 17945 16707 17612 16789 79415 34.06% 26.52% 22.69% 22.60% 21.04% 22.18% 21.14% HD147 23322 18531 15781 15759 14008 15511 14322 71799 32.48% 25.81% 21.98% 21.95% 19.51% 21.60% 19.95% HD148 16160 13287 11093 11168 9657 11999 9742 57314 28.20% 23.18% 19.35% 19.49% 16.85% 20.94% 17.00% HD149 15945 12126 10557 10545 9068 9709 9206 72423 22.02% 16.74% 14.58% 14.56% 12.52% 13.41% 12.71% HD150 15489 12405 10977 10987 9479 10206 9769 98069 15.79% 12.65% 11.19% 11.20% 9.67% 10.41% 9.96%

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