National single payer health care conference in Houston this weekend

From the inbox:

Healthcare-NOW! National Single Payer Strategy Conference in Houston 

WHAT: Over 120 Representatives from 25 states and 52 organizations meet in Houston to plan strategies to advance a single payer national health insurance plan in the USA. The best health care system plan for accessible, cost-effective, equitable and high quality health care is expanded and improved “Medicare for All”.  Workshops and topics include:

*economic impact of the PPACA legislation, funding and affordability,  the individual mandate, challenging electoral candidates to press forward for single payer during the election year

* defending attacks on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

* health care inequities; exposing pharmaceutical and insurance industry corruption of government

* state plans for universal health care coverage

* building coalitions with faith-communities, professionals, peace, justice, consumer rights and labor groups

* shareholder “divestment” campaign from profit-making insurance companies

* connecting to the OccupyWallStreet movement and occupying the health care debate

* lessons from the southern states and the civil rights movement to achieve health care as a civil right

WHEN: Saturday, January 28, 2012 2pm-9pm and Sunday, January 29, 9:00am-5:00pm

WHERE: Hilton Hobby Hotel, 8181 Airport Blvd, Houston

Conference info: Co-sponsor host: Health Care for All Texas

WHO: Senior leaders from national and regional coalitions, academic, medical care, health policy analysts, movie producers, videographers, writers and activists. Speakers AVAILABLE FOR INTERVIEW include:

 _ Dr. Claudia Fegan, Chief Medical Officer, Ambulatory & Community Health Network, Cook County

 _ Dr. Walter Tsou, past president American Public Health Association; Physicians for a National Health Program

 _ Michael Lighty, Director of Public Policy, National Nurses United

_  Mark Dudzic, Labor Campaign for Single Payer Health

 _ Dr. Margaret Flowers, Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care

_ Dr. Jerry Frankel, Physicians for a National Health Program (Texas)

_ Donna Smith, (Sicko movie) American Patients United; California Nurses Association

_ Tim Carpenter, Nat’l Director, Progressive Democrats of America

_ Catherine Tactaquin, Executive Director, Nat’l Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights

_ Dr. Margaret Nosek, Executive Director, Center for Research on Women with Disabilities

_ John Lozier, Nat’l Health Care for the Homeless Council

_ Katie Robbins, Healthcare for the 99% -OccupyWallStreet-NY

_ Laurie Simons & Terry Sterrenberg, producers, The Healthcare Movie 


Contact: Colleen O’brien, Media Representative, Health Care for All TX -Houston,

281-660-9765,, or Cathy Courtney, HealthcareNOW Conference Planning Committee -Houston 832-677-6766,

I am unable to attend but I wanted to pass this along in case anyone reading is interested and able to be there.

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