Texas blog roundup for the week of November 23

The Texas Progressive Alliance wishes everyone a happy, safe, and socially-distant Thanksgiving as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff examined recent Presidential results in the Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth areas.

SocraticGadfly had two pieces related to recent climate change news. First, does a new Norwegian-British study show the James Kunstler alarmist types might be right? Second, it appears we now have the measurement tools to implement a carbon tax PLUS carbon tariff, which must be a part of climate change control.

DosCentavos writes about one of his favorite performers, Max Baca, of the Grammy winning Los Texmaniacs, who has been in a fight against COVID-19.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Raffi Melkonian delivers a play-by-play account of Rudy Giuliani’s day in Pennsylvania court.

Robert Moore is very worried about El Paso’s short-term future.

Christian Wallace visits Loving County, the last county in the US to have no reported COVID cases.

Raise Your Hand Texas prepares for the next fight over school finance at the Legislature.

Elise Hu shares a brief pandemic reading list.

Mean Green Cougar Red enjoys a time lapse video of Dutch canals.

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