Maybe this is the year we get rid of Confederate Heroes Day

I know it shouldn’t boggle my mind that we even still have such a thing as “Confederate Heroes Day” in Texas in the year of our Lord 2021, but we do and it does. And so, some lawmakers will try, try again to make that a thing of the not-nearly-distant-enough past.

Rep. Nicole Collier

The day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday honoring a leader of the American civil rights movement, some Texas employees will also take a paid day off this Tuesday for Confederate Heroes Day — a state holiday falling on Robert E. Lee’s birthday, intended to celebrate him, Jefferson Davis and other Confederate soldiers.

For years, a handful of Texas lawmakers have tried in vain to pass legislation that would remove or replace the holiday celebrating leaders of the Confederate army.

But they say this year feels different.

Demonstrators across the nation spent months over the summer protesting police brutality and racial injustice, leading many states to initiate mass removals of Confederate memorials.

“The killing of George Floyd, a Texan, and the killing of Atatiana Jefferson, another Texan, at the hands of law enforcement, certainly do underscore the importance of removing a day of remembrance that brings to the mind slavery and oppression,” said state Rep. Nicole Collier, D-Fort Worth, chairperson of the Legislative Black Caucus.

Texas isn’t alone in its recognition of the controversial holiday. Eight other states have similar Confederate memorial days throughout the year: Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Tennessee and Virginia. Mississippi and Alabama also have a joint Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee Day.

The birthdays of Lee and Davis used to be separate Texas holidays, but lawmakers consolidated them in 1973 to create Confederate Heroes Day.

State Rep. Jarvis Johnson, D-Houston, filed one of two bills for this session attempting to remove the holiday from the state’s calendar. State Rep. Shawn Thierry, D-Houston, filed the other in support.

“This is an opportunity for us to bring and shine light on social injustice, how Black people across this country have been demonized and have been treated unfairly by the judicial system, the criminal justice system,” Johnson said. “I think this is another way that we have to wipe away and erase harmful, hurtful imagery that continues to remind us of our horrible past.”

Johnson filed the same bill to abolish the holiday during the 2019 legislative session, but it never got a vote in the State Affairs Committee, which House Speaker Dade Phelan chaired at the time.

Phelan will ensure lawmakers have a “level playing field to advocate for legislation important to them and their communities” this session, said Enrique Marquez, spokesperson for the speaker.

We’ll see about that. I mean, it was just two years ago that we were finally able to get a Confederate plaque removed at the Capitol, though later in that same session the Senate approved a bill that would make it virtually impossible to remove any other Confederate monuments around the state. (That bill did not come to a vote in the House, so at least there was that.) I would hope that seeing an actual insurrectionist carrying an actual Confederate flag inside the actual US Capitol earlier this month, a thing that the Confederate Army itself failed to do, might shock some people out of whatever it is that made them not be reviled by this sort of thing, but I would not bet on it. But as someone once said, it’s always the right time to do the right thing.

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29 Responses to Maybe this is the year we get rid of Confederate Heroes Day

  1. David Fagan says:

    First to comment!

    Now, everyone, get out your commenting pitch forks and torches and start the battle!

    I’m talking to you, Manny, I’m talking to you Bill!

    Don’t let me down and let’s rehash all the same arguments about the history of America and get no where in the end, but a lot of trash talk and name calling!

    Let’s get ready to RRRRRRRRRRUUUUMBLE!!!

  2. Bill Daniels says:

    If we are going to celebrate diversity, then let’s go ahead and celebrate diversity, meaning, let’s continue to observe Confederate Heroes Day. If Nicole Collier, doesn’t actually celebrate diversity and wants to end Confederate Heroes Day, no problem, I have a proposal….drop CHD, and we will ALSO drop MLK day. This would benefit the taxpayers of Texas, who will get two more working days out of our state employees.

    You up for that, Nicole? If not, it seems like you really aren’t interested in diversity, you’re just interested in sticking it to whitey, which would be very racist of you, Nicole. Tell us you aren’t a white hating racist, Nicole. Nicole?

    Truly, we should be getting rid of MLK day anyway, precisely BECAUSE of George Floyd. A violent serial felon and drug abuser, who died of a fentanyl overdose after swallowing his stash, after being confronted by cops investigating Floyd for passing a counterfeit bill, who held a gun on a pregnant black woman while his crew robbed her, shows us that MLK’s dream for Americans to treat each other with respect, and as equals, is dead. (apologies for the run on sentence)

    Floyd certainly didn’t treat that black woman, or her unborn child, with any kind of respect or equality. Worse, other blacks chose to riot to support, not the black female victim and her unborn child, but to support the violent criminal who victimized that black woman and black child. MLK would be spinning in his grave if he saw what black people did this year, burning and looting cities. MLK would be spinning in his grave if he saw the Verizon Store and Cafe Express here in Houston looted and destroyed, in support of a victimizer of black people. His dream is gone, we might as well discontinue the holiday, too.

  3. Manny says:

    David do you still want to grenade the government?

  4. ANi says:

    I see ZERO reason to officially celebrate the confederacy. Zero.

  5. Lobo says:

    “Confederate Heroes Day” & Divine Defense of Slavery

    In all the years I worked for the state I never heard that such a holiday even existed. What exactly is supposed to be celebrated? – Losing the anything-but Civil War? And not being able to force the Northern states to return Southern “property” (fugitive slaves) like they were supposedly supposed to?

    As for celebrating MLK Day, that makes a lot more sense. He stood for something. A moral principle. His dream in the Dream Speech was a vision, for a more humane future where people are judged on merit and character, not by the (so-called) color of their skin. And the special day off can be used for a parade.

    Compare MLK’s aspirational and up-lifting oratory to the Confederates’ invocation to religion and nature in defense of that “beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery.”

    To wit:

    “In all the non-slave-holding States, in violation of that good faith and comity which should exist between entirely distinct nations, the people have formed themselves into a great sectional party, now strong enough in numbers to control the affairs of each of those States, based upon the unnatural feeling of hostility to these Southern States and their beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery, proclaiming the debasing doctrine of the equality of all men, irrespective of race or color–a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of the Divine Law. They demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and the negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States.”

    Excerpt from Texas Declaration of Secession from the Union (Feb. 2, 1861)

    PS: The infamous document also has a paragraph on “Indian savages” and “banditti” from Mexico.

  6. Bill Daniels says:


    You’re attempting to retroactively apply current mores and thinking to peoples who lived centuries ago. At the time of Texas secession, slavery had been commonplace for literally thousands of years. At the time of Texas secession, native American Indians were not peaceful. They warred amongst themselves long before the Pilgrims landed, and long before Europeans settled in Texas. Long before the first paleface arrived, there was warring and infighting.

    As far as the slavery issue, here’s a simple question: Mohammed, the world’s most perfect man, worshiped by billions of Islamists today, was a slave owner, slave trader, and warlord. He actively participated in capturing and enslaving people. Are you going to judge and vilify Mohammed for his obviously enthusiastic support of slavery? He’s the world’s most perfect man, remember. Are you prepared to call out the billions of Muslims who follow Mohammed and tell them that their prophet was an evil man, who does not deserve a holiday or to be followed?

    We don’t vilify and condemn Indians for the acts of their ancestors. We don’t disparage native Americans today, and we honor and appreciate their contributions to our country. We don’t apply today’s mores and thinking to the actions taken by native Americans long before we were even born.

    Doing so would be unfair to those who lived during the time period, and to those of us living now.

  7. Bill Daniels says:

    Edit: I’m sure everyone here knows the history of the “Come and Take it” flag. The Mexicans sent a cannon to the inhabitants of Texas to ward off, wait for it, attacks by Indians. Why would the Texians need a cannon to protect themselves from Indians if the Indians were no threat?

    Should we be looking to ban the “Come and Take It” flag, too? I know many on the left would like to do that. Maybe Joe Biden can write an EO making such flags illegal.

  8. Lobo says:

    Bill: The question up for debate now is what we celebrate now. That’s what is under our collective, and to some extent individual, control. We obviously can’t change the past, although it is always possible to rewrite it. See –> historical revisionism.

    History always involves storytelling and can’t dispense with point of view and some frame of reference and scheme for organization. There is historical evidence, but there is no such thing as a truly objective account of what happened. For one, there has to be a judgment–implicit or explicit– as to what is considered paying attention to.

    That’s not to say that anything goes because any and all account are subjective and biased. Specific claims or questions can be subjected to objective analysis. For example: Was the cause for secession “states rights” or was it about preserving slavery? – The relevant historical evidence to answer this question would be the Declaration of Causes for Secession from which I just quoted above (at least in terms of “official” cause, which is not to say that other factors couldn’t have also played a role).


    To look at it more civilizationally, we don’t have to approve of the Greeks’ messing with young boys, and Romans’ spectacles in which gladiators fought to the death to the cheers of blood-thirsty crowds to acknowledge these ancestors’ contributions to the advancement of so-called Western civilization (my frame of reference), and our indebtedness to them. Same for their genocidal wars which they euphemistically referred to as “pacification.”

    That said, the issue of whether we folks at large (and historians) should judge the past in the light of contemporary values and morals, is not a trivial matter.

  9. Bill Daniels says:

    “The question up for debate now is what we celebrate now. That’s what is under our collective, and to some extent individual, control. We obviously can’t change the past, although it is always possible to rewrite it. See –> historical revisionism.”

    Right now, today, we celebrate Islam. We’ve even had an imam lead a Muslim prayer inside the Texas Capitol. We have Muslims who descend on the Texas Capitol every year. Is that current enough for you? Are you going to insist that they cease and desist? Are you going to condemn them for promoting, TODAY, a slaver, a slave owner, and a man who, as a middle aged adult, married and had sex with a 6 year old Aisha? Every Muslim alive TODAY reveres a warlord slaver. There are Muslim holidays celebrated today that celebrate the political system created by the slaver Mohommed. If you want to eliminate the observance of Confederate Heroes Day, then you dishonor all the good works by those folks, to narrowly focus on one issue to (no pun intended) hang them on.

    You correctly point out you’re not willing to quit honoring the contributions of the Greeks because many of them were freaky deaky in the sack, particularly with kids. Great. Using that same logic, you shouldn’t be excited to toss the Confederate folks under the bus, in a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    And I notice you ignored the Muslim question entirely. You prepared to call for an end to imams who revere and worship a slaver, to be welcomed in our Texas state capitol? Are you prepared to point your finger of righteous indignation against the tens of thousands of Muslims who live in our midst? Prepared to point out that they worship a slaver and sexual predator? What changes do you propose for them, Wolf?

    I’ll wait for your response.

  10. C.L. says:

    To paraphrase POTUS, Texas needs its war heroes to be winners, not to have spent four+ years fighting a losing battle.

    The South lost the war, ergo no Confederate Heroes Day. You don’t get a participation trophy.
    MLK won (and continues to win), ergo a National Holiday.

  11. Bill Daniels says:

    MLK lost, C.L. His dream of people judging people on character, not color, is dead. And it was the left that killed that dream, that stoked racial division, that welcomes pitting people against each other. The whole point of conservatism is to promote a meritocracy, judging people on their skills. What can you bring to the table? Do you have great ideas? Strong work ethic? Great reverence for the idea of fiduciary responsibility? Are you someone that wants to make an honest living vs. stealing or living on the government teat? That’s the metric MLK wanted for Americans to have, and as we have seen, that’s completely dead.

    MLK lost. His dream was never realized. There’s really no point in honoring the dreams of a loser, based on your own argument, C.L.

    So again, if we want equity, we need to eliminate CHD AND MLK day. Or, we could continue to just observe both, which would have been the more inclusive way to go, but racists like Nicole Collier just can’t seem to leave well enough alone.

  12. Jules says:

    “Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blasted Donald Trump from the Senate floor saying of the Capitol attack, “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.””

  13. Jules says:

    “So, too, was Trump warned that pardons for Republican lawmakers who had sought them for their role in the Capitol insurrection would anger the very Senate Republicans who will determine his fate in an upcoming impeachment trial.”

    Who wants to know which Republicans asked for pardons? I do!

  14. Lobo says:

    Bill: The obvious answer to the issues you raise regarding a religion you obviously don’t like is separation of church and state/anti-establishment clause. It seems to me that we are doing better here in that regard than some countries in Europe were political Islamism is a key radicalism concern, and is linked with immigration from the war-torn Middle East.

    But wait a minute … our current political situation is actually worse than a minority-with-minarets and a different culture and religion problem. Our extremism is home-grown and widespread, extending into the halls of Congress.

    Did you hear Mitch McConnell this morning?

    Manny and aligned fascist hog hunters:

    I was unable to find my original post to set the record straight (to the extent it’s even worth my time). The key recommendation was for Biden not to use the terms “domestic terrorism” because it is divisive and does no good.

    I also argued that it’s not realistic to go after 100+ anti-democratic Congress Critters (who are, judging by their voting, and in some cases by their overt words, insurrection sympathizers). Even if you shipped them all to Guantanamo for punishment or re-education, you would still have to worry about all the folks who voted for them and for Trump back home in their respective districts. How do you de-program them all and turn them into good democrats? How do you remedy the division of society into two hostile camps?

    As for rounding up the Capitol intruders, I spoke in favor of prosecuting them individually for their misdeeds (their behavior) and not for their political motives, and political crimes (sedition, treason) or law of parties (co-guilty for being part of a group some member of which beat police officers and killed one), and to consider evidence of premeditation for the more serious charges (insurrection, criminal conspiracy, or whatever).

    Under that approach, a lout sitting in Pelosi’s chair with his feet on her desk would draw a lesser sentence (provided he did nothing else) than a gal that walked off with Pelosi’s laptop to sell it to the Russians. And if the guy with the Confederate Battle Flag probably couldn’t be prosecuted under the precedent that says that the burning the US Flag is protected symbolic speech. So he might only face the penalties of trespass/unlawful entry. Now, if whichever flag attached to a pole was used to beat a police officer, that’s obviously a crime that isn’t protected by the First Amendment.

    The key reason for taking this position is a practical one: There are too many of them, and you can’t suppress them all with sheer force (ie, the criminal justice system). It would be counterproductive. We face a grave political problem here, not just a criminal justice issue.

    A political problem requires a political solution.

    Impeachment and removal from office is a good start. But Biden should stay clear of it all and let the legislative branch take the proper action to defend itself against the attempted usurpation by the Executive Branch under Trump.

  15. Jason Hochman says:

    Honestly, we need more holidays which means more days off from work, so let’s keep them all.

  16. Manny says:

    Lobo, your argument is if they are too many let them go. Really.

    If you don’t like the fascist label, quit supporting them.

    McConnell is not a good example, a dollar shirt and four years late. He stuck his finger in the air, just like you.

  17. Jules says:

    “ I was unable to find my original post to set the record straight (to the extent it’s even worth my time).”

    Lobo, no worries, I can’t find stuff that doesn’t exist either.

  18. Lobo says:


    Look Dems … It’s human nature to want to exact revenge, but there is a serious prospect here of a counterproductive overreaction. Like rounding up everyone that went to DC to protest.

    Biden should project firmness and resolve, but should watch his domestic terrorism rhetoric.

    To put it bluntly: Even though they are all guilty to some degree, you can’t lock up all the tens of millions of people that voted for Trump, and you won’t have much luck trying to get them to repent and become meek & mild democrats, not to mention Democrats, or de-politicize the more fervent ones.

    And the same goes for those who followed Trump’s call to come to Washington for Electoral College Day. Have you looked at the pictures of the crowds? And how about 100+ GOP Congress critters that still came out against abiding by the verdict of the voters, even after the invasion of the hallowed halls of democracy?

    What are we going to do with them — just as a practical matter — even if we have the power to teach them a lesson and punish them? Expel them from the House? Ship them to Guantanamo? And if that is the answer, what then? How are you going to de-program the minds and cleanse the hearts of those who voted for Trump and for these rebel Congress Critters, or reverse the brainwash they willingly subjected themselves to? — Re-education camps anyone?

    At the peril of being blacklisted and denounced by both sides (the fate all too easily suffered in our politically polarized times) let me suggest that the on-site perpetrators should be prosecuted based on their acts of violence and low-level offenses such as trespass, not for political crimes or political motivations, expect for those who brought firearms and/or bombs, which would reflect premeditation.

    If all the participants are prosecuted for political crimes, or under the law of parties for the 1 homicide of a police officer, the prosecutions will likely become spectacles and create martyrs for a bad cause. And if that happens, there will be no “domestic tranquility” going forward. The trials will become intensely politicized, possibly with further disturbances in the streets. And Cruz and Abbott and a bunch of Republican Congress Critters will still have a stronghold in Texas, as long as the GOP holds Texas. They will be able to use their continuing control of the resources of state government to be major players in national politics even if Twitter, Facebook, etc. cut them off.

    Biden should also stop calling the rioters domestic terrorists. That just upgrades their status and seeming power to disrupt. And consider this: Why would they film and social-media themselves and create the very evidence to get themselves convicted for their deeds? In their own minds, they obviously felt justified because Trump and Rudy and Kenny had called them to arms. And the wife of Clarence Thomas cheered them on, too. Didn’t she?

    In sum, they had the “blessing” of the President of the U.S.. Some of them may have expected that they would be pardoned. For that, and more, Trump should be impeached. At least there will be enough Yeas for it, even if conviction by 2/3 of the Senate is not feasible.

    Meta note to Jules:

    That above is the draft from my own computer pasted verbatim. I couldn’t find the version posted to OTK. In the meantime, more graphic video of violence has surfaced. I stand by my original post, which could – of course – by updated and refined. And critiqued on the merits of numerous propositions/arguments it contains.

    You are cordially invited to do so.

  19. Jules says:


    The guy prominently featured with the confederate flag has been arrested.

  20. Ross says:

    Bill, to put it bluntly, you are so full of shit it’s a wonder you can get off the toilet. None of your arguments makes sense, and most of them reinforce the perception that you are a racist and a religious bigot.

    The is no reason for the State of Texas to have a holiday celebrating men who took up arms against the United States. Feel free to celebrate your own heroes on your own time. Celebrating MLK day is a reminder of how woefully short we are of achieving his lofty dreams.

    If an Imam saying a prayer at the Capitol, invited by a Jewish legislator, offends you, that’s too damn bad. You and your buddy Dan “Despicable Human Being” Patrick can go cry in a corner somewhere where you don’t annoy the rest of us.

  21. Manny says:

    Lobo, you create an argument in your mind and project thwt argument to Democrats, then proceed to argue against it. Only in your mind has someone advocated rounding up millions that voted for Trump.

    Aluminum paper may be in short supply.

  22. C.L. says:

    Re: “The whole point of conservatism is to promote a meritocracy, judging people on their skills. ”

    Bill, by your metric, conservatism is dead as well. Jared, Ivanka, Rudy, Mnuchin, Larry Sanders, Huckabee, Barr, etc., were the supreme suckups of suckups. Certainly POTUS didn’t hire them for their skills as opposed to actual abilities (too few to mention).

    Manny, you’re a betting man. Re: “Lobo, your argument is if they are too many let them go. Really.” I’ll bet you a lunch at Bill’s favorite (White) Cracker Barrel that less the 0.50% of the insurrectionists involved in the storming go to jail. I’m not saying they shouldn’t go to jail, but that the Justice Dept wont be all that effective in prosecuting them. Shit, they couldn’t even send more than a 1/2 dozen of the 2008 financial sector crashers to jail, FFS.

  23. Manny says:

    C.L. I am not a betting man, I may occasionally buy a lotto ticket, but I don’t go to casinos, bet on games, etc.

    They already have 100, the number will go up. I expect in excess of 300 people will be arrested and charged. They are going after the easier ones first. Like the guy with the confederate flag who was fairly easy to find as he was wearing his ankle monitor.

    Not sure if you mean that because than 1/2 of one percent is not a lot of people. They estimate about 2,000 – 3,000 entered the Capitol so .05% of 3,000 equals 150 people. More than 200 cases have been open thus far and over 100 have been charged as of a day ago.

    Very few FBI investigations are successful, trespassing is much easier to prove.

    Someone hacked Parler and has all the information that was uploaded to Parler, Parler I believe requires an ID like a driver’s license.

  24. Lobo says:

    RE: “Lobo, you create an argument in your mind and project that argument to Democrats, then proceed to argue against it.”

    For what it’s worth, you are alleging a strawman-type argument, and have some basis to do so.

    It is true that the prosecution of all wasn’t proposed (and that it constitutes hyperbole). However, my argument (spread over several posts) is that all Trump voters bear some level of responsibility because they chose to vote for Trump, knowing what he stands for, and familiar with his track record in the presidency (which included the announcement ahead of time that the election would have been stolen if it didn’t come out with him as the winner).

    In short, Trump’s anti-democratic “credentials” were well established. Stated differently: He has been a threat to democracy all along.

    So, the problem is not just limited to the Capitol intruders, the people outside to protest who didn’t intrude, the Congress Critters that supported the challenge(s) to the Electoral Vote counting, but the entire Trumpist segment of the voting electorate: Tens of millions of people. And you can rest assured that they don’t share your views on the matter of prosecuting everybody involved in the events at the Capitol to the full extent of the law. Whether you like it or not, these folks are a still a force to reckon with. Recognizing that does not amount to saying it is a good thing, or siding with them.

  25. Jules says:

    Lobo, my apologies, I do now see in your sixth para that you do indeed say:

    “At the peril of being blacklisted and denounced by both sides (the fate all too easily suffered in our politically polarized times) let me suggest that the on-site perpetrators should be prosecuted based on their acts of violence and low-level offenses such as trespass, not for political crimes or political motivations, expect for those who brought firearms and/or bombs, which would reflect premeditation.”

    Since you invite my criticism:

    Note your para is one long ass sentence. And it follows 5 paras, where you, as Manny pointed out, make strawman arguments about how all the people who voted for Trump shouldn’t be arrested or sent to re-education camps. ?????

    If you want to make your comments readable, cut out 75% of your blather. This isn’t a word of the day blog, and none of us need ad hominem defined for us. If we don’t know the meaning of one of the big ass words you use, we all clearly have the internet. You could cut out 75% of the words in your comment above and it would make 1000 times more sense.

  26. Bill Daniels says:

    “Bill: The obvious answer to the issues you raise regarding a religion you obviously don’t like is separation of church and state/anti-establishment clause. It seems to me that we are doing better here in that regard than some countries in Europe were political Islamism is a key radicalism concern, and is linked with immigration from the war-torn Middle East.”

    Sorry Wolf, that’s not good enough. If we are to virtue signal about how much we deplore slavery by eliminating an obscure holiday you yourself admit you had never even heard of before, we shouldn’t allow imams, or any other Muslim who worships a slaver and slave owner into the Capitol, period. Let’s show exactly how opposed to slavery we are here in Texas! I trust that Nicole Collier will agree with that, seeing how vociferously opposed to anything slavery related she is. I’m sure she has disavowed the black Muslims like our own Quannell X and Louis Farrakhan, because of their support of a slaver.

    And it’s ironic that you note we don’t have as many problems with Muslims here because we don’t have a critical mass of them here as they do in Europe. Guess what one of Joe’s ‘Day One” E.O.’s is? Yup, he’s going to end Trump’s Muslim ban on Muslims from terrorist producing countries (countries, by the way, that Obama/Joe’s own administration recognized as dangerous, terrorist producing countries). Biden’s big plan to help the people of the United States is to flood us with illegal aliens and Muslims from terrorist countries. Yippee! I can’t wait to see how that turns out.

    Remember when the Muslim terrorist shot up the gay nightclub in Orlando during Joe’s last regime? Trump went to the gay community when he became president and told them that shit wasn’t going to happen under his watch. Remember how Trump physically stopped Muslims from terror producing countries from entering the US, and the terrorism stopped? I remember.

    So good luck, Jules, and others. When the mass attacks start up again, I’ll be here to say, “I told you so.”

    As to Jules’ critique of your writing style, well, I disagree with Jules’ assessment of that as well. I enjoy reading your posts. I personally enjoy writing in the colloquialism laden, redneck style I use, but it’s nice to see someone write in a more formal style. It feels more serious, more adult, somehow.


    For what it’s worth, I don’t care for Jared either, although I’ve got to respect that he facilitated several ME peace deals, something the Peace Prize president was unable to do by bombing the shit out of the ME and regime changing at will.

    I didn’t really care for Ivanka volunteering, either. Yes, she’s hot and smells like vanilla, but she is a typical limousine liberal. Her big idea was mandatory paid maternity leave. Sorry, that’s the kind of crappy liberal policy someone like YOU would support, if it was proposed by a Democrat.

    Rudy was a competent hire for Trump personally. I disliked his presidential run when the answer to every question posed to Rudy was “9/11, America’s mayor.” Having said that, Rudy prosecuted the mob in NY successfully. Who knew that that feat would be easy compared to getting courts to hear about the crimes of the Democrats/Biden/Obama/Hillary?

    Larry Sanders? Isn’t that Bolshevik Bernie’s brother?

    Sarah Huckabee Sanders? I’ll agree some nepotism is involved, but she was a good press secretary, and much less of a suck up than say, George Stephanopoulis (sp?).

    Mnuchin worked on the USMCA and other trade deals. He made his bones, I don’t understand what you don’t like about him. The trade deals Trump made benefit all Americans, even those who didn’t vote for Trump.

    As to Barr, I agree. What a mistake Barr was. Barr? Wray? Haspel? WTF was Trump thinking? Trump had great policies, but did some really shitty hiring. That was his Achilles heel.

  27. David Fagan says:

    Named to honor Roman dictator Julius Caesar (100 B.C.– 44 B.C.) after his death.


    Named to honor the first Roman emperor (and grandnephew of Julius Caesar), Augustus Caesar (63 B.C.– A.D. 14).

    We better get to work on these too.

  28. Lobo says:

    One-of-a-kind opening & shedding light where the sun don’t do no shining

    Jules: Apology accepted. If you don’t like the long-winded Lobo excretions (“Bull” aka “BS” per Manny), here is a good serving of “big-ass” fare for the your enjoyment:

    “1st preserved dinosaur butthole is perfect and unique, paeontologist says”. And multipurpose.

    Seriously, the best dinosaur derrière writing I have seen in a long time:

    Also see CNN version: “This fossil reveals how dinosaurs peed, pooped and had [you know what]”

  29. Jules says:

    Thanks Lobo. Great article.

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