Tag Archives: Catholic Church

Mutinous nuns file and then withdraw a restraining order motion

This happened last week. Legal and ecclesiastical tensions escalated between the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in Arlington and the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth after a group of sisters filed for a temporary restraining order on Monday against Bishop Michael Olson … Continue reading

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Arlington nun mutiny update

Things remain wild in Arlington, that’s all I can say. The story starts on Thursday with the Vatican attempting to impose its order on the situation. A Carmelite monastery that has engaged in a yearlong feud with Diocese of Fort … Continue reading

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A legal view of the Arlington nun mutiny

The Fort Worth Report talks to some legal experts about the fascinating dispute between the Discalced Carmelite Nuns in Arlington and Fort Worth Bishop Michael F. Olson. Lawrence Sager is a professor at the University of Texas at Austin’s School … Continue reading

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The Arlington nun mutiny

Oh my God this story is wild. There’s a strange saga unfolding in Texas. It involves allegations and accusations of illicit sexual relationships, drug use, theft, abuse, spying, planted evidence, and plots to steal a multimillion-dollar property. The people involved … Continue reading

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Bishops condemn Abbott’s refugee refusal

Good. Texas’ Catholic bishops issued a sharp rebuke of Gov. Greg Abbott, a fellow Catholic, following his decision Friday to ban refugees from initially settling in Texas. In a joint statement by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, which includes … Continue reading

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Abbott opts out of accepting refugees

Sadly, not a surprise. Gov. Greg Abbott informed the U.S. State Department that Texas will not participate in the refugee resettlement program this fiscal year. The decision comes after more than 40 other governors, including several Republicans, said they would … Continue reading

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Abbott and refugees

The moral choice is clear. It’s also clear for a variety of other reasons. I don’t expect Greg Abbott to make it, because he’s Greg Abbott. For years, more refugees have resettled in Houston and Texas than any other city … Continue reading

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The Southern Baptist Convention’s sexual abuse problems

Some excellent longform reporting from the Chron, with more to come. Thirty-five years later, Debbie Vasquez’s voice trembled as she described her trauma to a group of Southern Baptist leaders. She was 14, she said, when she was first molested … Continue reading

Posted in Crime and Punishment, Society and cultcha | Tagged , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

“Credible” abuse claims against clergy

I’m just going to leave this here. Every Roman Catholic Diocese in Texas released a list Thursday of “credible abuse” claims against clergy going back decades, a move that comes as dioceses across the nation have released or prepared to … Continue reading

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