Primary Runoff early voting, Day One: First of two runoffs

I don’t plan to follow the early voting totals on a day by day basis for the primary runoffs. I’ll at least have the final totals in addition to Day One, and I may have one more in there if I feel so moved. The Day One totals for the primary runoffs are here. There were 13,695 total votes, with 12,716 coming on the Democratic side. That’s not a measure of anything, as Republicans have two runoffs in heavily Democratic Congressional districts and nothing else (many Republicans have nothing to vote for this round), while Dems have multiple races of great interest, including three countywide contests. You know what the races are and how to evaluate them, so all that’s left to do is vote. I’m aiming for Wednesday.

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One Response to Primary Runoff early voting, Day One: First of two runoffs

  1. Jonas says:

    Third time to go out and vote in the primaries, with one more to go. That’s democracy baby! Can the Cook/Johnson state senate race get to the 16000 total votes for the finishing the term election?

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