Daily Archives: October 5, 2023

From the “I gave you a million bucks and this is the thanks I get?” department

This is buck wild. Colony Ridge, a massive residential development north of Houston, has quickly taken center stage in Texas politics. After weeks of reports in conservative media portraying the development as a “magnet for illegal immigrants,” followed by state … Continue reading

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What some Mayoral candidates said to some Republicans

I have a few thoughts about this. Houston mayoral candidates took aim at “feel-good” public safety initiatives such as gun buybacks and proposed plans to boost the city budget at a Friday forum organized by United Republicans of Harris County. … Continue reading

Posted in Election 2023 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Intellectual property lawsuit against DeLorean dismissed after settlement reached

Whew. A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit accusing the heads of San Antonio-based DeLorean Motors ReImagined of stealing intellectual property from a previous employer, according to an Express-News report. Last August, electric-vehicle maker Karma Automotive sued DeLorean CEO Joost … Continue reading

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Texas blog roundup for the week of October 2

The Texas Progressive Alliance weekly roundup is best served with ketchup and seemingly ranch.

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