One down, two to go

Former Rep. Jack Stick has dropped the challenge of his electoral loss to Mark Strama.

The former legislator calls the voting system in Travis County problematic and chaotic and he’ll continue to review the system.

Stick plans to submit his findings to the House elections committee.

Stick says he believes there were serious irregularities in voting that may indicate he won the race.

But Stick says it would be a waste of lawmakers time and taxpayers money to continue the contest.

Yes, it would have. And you’re dreaming about the “may indicate he won the race” part. But thanks for playing, and thanks for the belated sensibility.

The other challengers will have their hearings on January 26 (Eric Opiela) and 27 (Talmadge Heflin). I suppose it’s too much to ask that they come to their senses like Stick did by then.

Hat tip to Andrew D for the catch.

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