Without DeLay

And the DeLay drums keep on beating. Click on over to the Daily DeLay and learn about the Public Campaign Action Fund’s Without DeLay project. Here’s their Top Ten list of reasons why Tom DeLay should take his leave from the public stage. This is the first phase of their campaign; the next phase will involve putting some pressure on potentially vulnerable Republicans for their close ties to The Hammer. Hop on board now, it’s gonna be a good ride.

UPDATE: Here’s a little reminder of why constant pressure is needed.

House Republican leaders stood behind Tom DeLay on Monday as they assessed the fallout from a series of news reports questioning the propriety of his fund raising and overseas travel.

They are expressing confidence in the majority leader from Sugar Land and are trying to tamp down private grumblings by some members.

“I never underestimate Tom DeLay,” said House Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier, R-Calif., a member of the House leadership team.

Dreier and others noted that DeLay has long been an inviting target for Democrats and watchdog groups because of his aggressive and effective fund raising among lobbyists and special-interest groups.

“Speaker (Dennis) Hastert believes that Majority Leader DeLay is an extremely valuable and integral member of the team” despite “partisan attacks,” said Ron Bonjean, Hastert’s spokesman.

‘Nuff said.

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2 Responses to Without DeLay

  1. Max says:

    ThinkProgress.org put up a great DeLay list – they have a “dirty dozen” of DeLay’s ethics scandals from vacationing on lobbyists’ dimes to using charity money to go golfing. (You can check out all 12 here: http://thinkprogress.org/index.php?p=430 )

  2. Declare Your Independence from DeLay

    You know that when it seems like, or that you may actually have more scandals about yourself than the number of your US Representative District number (22), it’s time to go home. Tom DeLay is a national embarrassment. Those who…

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