Election tidbits for 9/22

More stuff that’s worth a mention.

– The deadline to register to vote in the 2009 election is Monday, October 5. Towards that end, Texans Together will be holding a voter registration drive this Saturday, September 26, at various locations around the city. If you want to participate, please contact Dee at 281-702-7864 or e mail dee.young@texanstogether.org.

– HISD District I candidate Alma Lara has a new website.

– City Controller candidate Pam Holm has been making robocalls. Personally, I’d advise sending mail now (if you can afford it, which she ought to be able to do), and saving the robocalls for the GOTV effort later. But then no one asked me.

– Along those lines, Peter Brown is making robocalls as well. I know this because there was a voice mail of such a call on my work number this morning. I don’t know how that number got onto anyone’s list. Maybe they were just dialing every number in town.

– Not at all campaign related, but my neighbor Mark Strawn, who was badly injured in a car accident two years ago, has been making huge strides in his physical therapy. His wife Sabrina recently sent out an email asking for support for SIRE, Houston’s therapeutic equestrian center, which has so helped Mark in his recovery. I’ve reproduced the email beneath the fold, and you can click here when you’re done reading it to give them a hand.

Purple Texas writes about Hank Gilbert and his nascent campaign for Governor. Maybe it’s just the city boy in me, but I can’t say I’ve ever felt a longing for a liberal-disguised-as-a-redneck to save us all. Which isn’t to say that Hank couldn’t win next year with that formula. It’s just that I’d support him in spite of his rural roots, not because of them.

– District G candidate Richard Sedita sent out a press release in support of the current efforts to build a stadium east of downtown for the Houston Dynamo.

– The Texas Tribune invites you to take a look inside their office:

– I cannot begin to express how little sympathy I have for poor widdle Rick Perry and that dirty trick that that mean old Senator Hutchison pulled on him. Karma is a remarkable thing, isn’t it?

UPDATE: Phillip says what needs to be said regarding Rick Perry and this incident.

Though the two years since Mark’s brain injury have held much sadness, there’s been joy too. I’ll never forget watching Mark ride, thanks to SIRE – Houston’s therapeutic riding center, in last year’s Houston rodeo.

With therapeutic riding, for those few moments a week Mark can feel he’s his old self. I’ve seen other riders in the program support their own body weight, when they couldn’t before, or say their first words.

I appreciate SIRE so much, I’ve just joined the staff as a volunteer coordinator. And now Mark’s trying to be one of the top 15 client fund raisers so he can ride in the Saddle Up for SIRE Ride-a-Thon 2009.

Every penny counts. Many of us have experienced some belt-tightening lately. Well, so has SIRE. For the first time, current clients have been told they will have to wait a semester before riding again.

Please consider making a donation, we’ve had donations ranging from $25 to $200. Dig deeper and for $250 or more, you’ll receive sponsor benefits.

Make your online donation at http://www.firstgiving.com/markstrawn. All donations are secure and sent directly to SIRE, Houston’s Therapeutic Equestrian Center by Firstgiving, which will email you a printable record of your donation.

Be quick! Our deadline’s Monday the 28th.

Many thanks and blessings, Sabrina Strawn

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