Valet parking

Do you love it or hate it?

Whether one makes use of the service or not, valet parking has a spot in the Houston area’s landscape. The podiumlike stands with uniformed attendants sit like landmarks in front of hot night clubs, high-dollar stores and even joints that buzz on weeknights with regulars who would rather eat out than wash dishes.

For fans, valet parking allows elegant at-the-door arrivals that preserve heels and hairdos and create an illusion of red-carpet glamour. For these folks, it’s all about the convenience and service.

Others consider valet parking a nuisance, an excuse for hungry companies to hog the good spots, forcing regular Joes to hike around the block for a meal or a drink. These drivers balk at the idea of turning over the keys to their automobile castle to a complete stranger.

Or you can be like me and just generally not go to restaurants that have valet parking. This is partly because I’m a cheapskate, and partly because restaurants that cater to young kids, which is where I do the bulk of my eating out, usually don’t have valet parking. For what it’s worth, when I do visit a restaurant with valet parking, I only use it if it’s mandatory or if the weather is bad. I don’t get too worked up about it either way.

For those of you keeping score at home, Katherine Shilcutt wrote a very similar piece last year. What’s your opinion about this?

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