Jon Matthews update

This is the first update I’ve seen on radio talk show host Jon Matthews’ situation since the original story appeared.

RICHMOND — Radio talk show host Jon Matthews appeared before a Fort Bend County grand jury Tuesday less than a week after the Sugar Land Police Department completed an investigation concerning him.

Matthews, 59, was the subject of a criminal investigation launched by police after they received an allegation about Matthews. Police have not publicly discussed the nature of that allegation.

After Matthews left the grand jury room, neither he nor his attorney, Stephen Doggett, would comment on the case. He appeared before the panel for about 90 minutes.

Afterward, the grand jury took a break and then Matthews’ wife, Carolyn, spent about 40 minutes in the grand jury room.

Fort Bend County District Attorney John Healey said he could not discuss what happened during the hearing. Healey and four assistant prosecutors were in the room for most of Matthews’ appearance.

The Fort Bend County grand jury seals indictments when the defendant is not in custody, so it was not immediately known if the grand jury issued an indictment.

Marshall Slot, a Sugar Land officer who worked the case, also appeared before the grand jury Tuesday.

The investigation is centered on an allegation made recently by a community member, police spokeswoman Pat Whitty said two weeks ago.

The Houston Chronicle requested a copy of the police report under the Texas Public Information Act. Sugar Land city officials want to keep the report confidential and have asked the Texas attorney general for a ruling on the matter.

During the investigation, Matthews has been off the air.

One way or another, we should know more soon.

UPDATE: This is not a forum for discussing the fate of Jon Matthews. Please take that discussion elsewhere. Thank you.

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142 Responses to Jon Matthews update

  1. Winston Smith says:

    I have a question:
    I have heard reports that Chinese Troops are sitting waiting along the border of Mexico and the United States of America from Texas to California.
    After all our troops are gone do you think they will invade us?

  2. George says:

    I hope Jon comes back and challanges Dan . Jon should be the oner of ksev not Dan.

  3. Winston Smith says:

    Perhaps Dan and Edd ousted Jon?

  4. Robert Valdez says:

    I remember Jon Matthews as the loudest voice against the Texas Bar Association that has members in all three branches of government. Therefore, I am concerned that this might effect his case. I’ll be praying for Jon with this in mind.

  5. Tony says:

    Since Jon’s trial is on June 28th, I think that some of us should show up and lend our support during this time, when Jon us on trail for trumped up charges, charges that are bogus because he was getting to close to exposing the police in that area for what they are. Anyone want to go with me??

  6. Winston Smith says:

    Perhaps, Congressman John Culberson, Jon’s friend could help?

    Write him and ask:

    Reporting from room 101, Winston Smith

  7. Glen says:

    Hey people I like John to I have always enjoyed hearing him on the radio, especial back when he had a talk show for the kids on 97 rock every Sunday night. My wife & I always enjoyed it, But lets STOP & think here lets dont be blind sided we all love John but what if this is true!! How about the childs point of view most are calling her a lair. If he did this he need to be put away I am tired of all these sick bastard preying on our children.I hope he did not do this if so its a sad world you never know whos a sick Bastard today.

  8. Paul says:

    Can’t say i listen to KSEV much anymore. The few times I do, there is ole Dan promoting his book again. Miss ya Jon; but; after years of trashing lawyers, I hope you are grateful that you could still hire one. Hang in there!

  9. George says:

    What if Dan refuses to testify at Jon’s trial? That will prove he plotted againts Jon. I think Dan was jealous of Jon!

  10. Tony says:

    So, as to my pervious post does anyone want to attend the trial to lend moral support to Jon??

  11. Winston Smith says:

    Dan and Edd aren’t going to do a tinker’s damn even if they know 2 divisions of Chinese are on the border to invade the USSA, they are only in it for the money…..”Hey, Who is Jesus,” Dan smirks, “I’m Dan Patrick!” “I don’t care about any of you stupid Sheep, I’m Dan Patrick!!!!”

  12. Rod Serling says:

    Hey Rod,
    You got a point…..
    It is true that Russian advisors are down in Mexico advising their friends the Chinese.
    2 divisions, that’s 1500 men. A division of Chinese may mean 2,000 troops times 2!!!
    By the way, doesn’t USSA mean United Socialist States of AmeriKa?
    A Hum!!!

  13. Winston Smith says:

    Nightline Sells Martial Law (4/2004)

    Will the US be under martial law by June, 2004? That is the impression some are expressing after witnessing a recent episode of Nightline (4/7/2004), with Ted Koppel. On this particular program Koppel is host to Richard Clarke, former Reagan officials Edwin Meese III and Kenneth M. Duberstein; former Clinton official Sally Katzen, author James Mann, and former Bush official Richard Clarke. The subject matter is named The Armageddon Plan.

    Because many US citizens hold favorable views of Richard Clarke he was playing a key role. His affability enables him to convey the dark plans of the Bush Regime to critical observers without alarming the unconcious masses. On this program Clarke was on to inform elite audiences that they better get used to the idea the Bush Regime will sponsor a cataclysmic event in order to plunge the US under martial law.

    Richard Clarke is already a legend in the world of propaganda. So far the Bush Regime has parlayed his “defection” from them with great success. As Karl Rove probably surmised, The Left Gatekeepers (e.g., Democracy Now! and Counterpunch, etc.) have been only very eager to treat Clarke’s mild disagreements with the Bush Regime as their outer limit of permissible dialogue. With the liberal US media regarding Clarke’s thesis that the Bush Regime was merely negligent about 9-11 as if it were the only idea possible the White House sailed through the 9-11 Commission/Coverup proceedings.

    Now that the 9-11 Commission/Coverup has been safely wrapped for the Bush Regime the mainstream media is now giving some focus to James Mann’s curiously-timed book (Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush’s War Cabinet, Viking Press, 2004)). Vulcans concerns the efforts of present and past White House officials to establish a set of procedures for the highest-levels of government to follow should a catastrophic attack occur on US soil.

    (Note that Nightline has dropped the moniker Rise of the Vulcans for the more Regime-friendly The Armageddon Plan. The latter conveys a greater sense of a Regime reacting to a stimulus, not being the source of it.)

    The segment began with congenial chatter between the past and present government officials. As if he is hosting a dinner party Koppel smoothly has his guests reminisce fondly about past drills performed by high-level government officials to test their emergency preparedness. Koppel then imagines an attack that decimates the US Congress. They break for a timely commercial. After the break Koppel immediately launches into the key part of their script: “…aren’t [we] left for at least the foreseeable future with some sort of martial law anyway?”

    Duberstein agrees with Koppel, adding “You have to suspend rights.”

    Koppel continues by saying: “…And during that period, then, and given the sense of panic that is inevitable under circumstances like this, the executive branch of government takes on extraordinary power, doesn’t it?”

    Clarke agrees by saying: “I think in any war where Washington were [sic] destroyed, inevitably, there would be a period of, for lack of a better term, something like martial law. The key here is, though, that the plans all call for going back to a normal three-branch system, as rapidly as possible.”

    Koppel reacts to Clarke’s ideas by suggesting what he has said is a new idea to many leaders in Washington. Sure it is, Ted. The conversation quickly winds down.

    Nightline’s very efficient use of Richard Clarke to prepare elite viewers for martial law is leading other observers on the Net to reluctantly conclude the merciless Bush Regime is actively planning the catalyst for their own Armagaddon Plan. In a different world perhaps, the journalist leading a nationally-televised discussion about the prospects of the US government under martial law would look Clarke in the eye and ask him if the Bush Regime isn’t planning to set off some nukes shortly in some city close to Washington DC (e.g., Baltimore). It really isn’t that hard to imagine that the prospect of ruling planet Earth from a secret, underground bunker would gladden Dick Cheney’s venal heart. He’s been practicing in secret locations for decades in gleeful anticipation for such a moment.

    As the prospects for survival under the Bush Regime becomes increasingly dire it should be obvious by now that the only way to stop them is to continue spreading the truth about 9-11, Richard Clarke and the Left Gatekeepers notwithstanding. Specifically, the last idea the Bush Regime wants people to receive is the revelation that jet fuel burning black cannot possibly melt steel. So anti-war activists, it is high time that we tell everyone about this that we can.

    Scott Loughrey

  14. Rod Serling says:

    If the Prez declares Martial Law, is everyone for it. Just lay down and give up your rights?
    And the sheep say Yes!

  15. Winston Smith says:

    Patriot Act Being Used to Harrass website

    Do you trust the programmer who programs the Black Box Voting Machines? He who controls the vote controls the people…..

    The Secret Service Wants Your Name: Will “subpeona” this web site?

    Bev Harris

    And by the way, they read every word. Hi, agent Mike. This “investigation” no longer passes the stink test.

    He says not to tell folks about the “investigating” they are doing.

    I have cooperated ad nauseum to this absurd investigation of the “VoteHere hack” which looks to me like it is something entirely different. I’ll tell you what it looks like to me:

    A fishing expedition.

    It appears that they may be using the Patriot Act to circumvent some of the civil rights protections laid down in the 60s. You see, it is illegal for a government agency to go in and demand the list of all the members of a group. And you can’t investigate leaks to journalists by going in and grabbing the reporter’s computer.

    After the Diebold memos were leaked, and my web site was shut down, around the time of the California recall election, I started getting solicited to accept VoteHere software. I didn’t bite, because it was obvious that this was an entrapment attempt.

    Okay, a word about VoteHere: This is the company that has no visible means of support. It doesn’t seem to sell anything. Its board is heavily infested with defense industry types — a former CIA director (Robert Gates, now heads George Bush School of Government); it had Admiral Bill Owens, also Vice-Chairman of SAIC and a member of the Defense Policy Board with Perle and Wolfowitz, a very close friend of Cheney; currently headed by former Washington Secretary of State Ralph Munro.

    VoteHere announced that it would be releasing its software for review, back in July 2003. It was planning to release it in September, and was supposed to do so to Dr. David Dill’s web site. It never released the code, just a bunch of literature about its product. (It did release some, but not all, of its code this month, making a big splash about it). About a week into October, I got solicited with an email “click this link” for VoteHere software.

    Now who would fall for that? Why would anyone in their right mind grab the stuff in some clandestine manner when it was being released into the open momentarily? And this is a company that never sells anything. Who gives a shit anyway, what its software does? It now is trying to peddle yet another alternative to a voter verified paper ballot, an idiotic solution where we turn over auditing of the vote to a handful of cryptographers who work for a private company with defense industry ties. No one I know thinks that is even a viable concept, so why would we care to examine the software these cryptographers make up?

    I was in the ending stages of writing my book, putting new chapters online every few days, at that time. Like I’m going to hack into VoteHere (those who know me realize that I couldn’t hack my way out of a paper bag) — this was just dumb.

    I turned down the software. In early January this year, VoteHere does a press release that it was “hacked” in October and tries to blame it on the activism community. I published an article expressing doubt that we’d gotten the whole story.

    Now, I have been interviewed by the Secret Service on this VoteHere “hack” story about five times. They never spend much time on the hack. Most of the time is spent on the Diebold memos, which they claim they are not investigating.

    Here’s the deal: The leaking of memos to journalists is not something the government can come in and demand to investigate very easily.

    Under the Patriot Act, “hacking” crimes were turned over to a new division, called the CyberCrimes division, and placed under the auspices of the Secret Service. And let me tell you what they want from me now: They want the logs of my web site with all the forum messages, and the IP addresses. That’s right. All of them. A giant fishing expedition for every communication of everyone interested in the voting issue. This has nothing to do with a VoteHere “hack” investigation, and I have refused to turn it over.

    So, yesterday, they call me up and tell me they are going to subpeona me and put me in front of a grand jury. Well, let ’em. They still aren’t getting the list of members of unless they seize my computer — which my attorney tells me might be what they have in mind.

    Also, Agent Mike told me he just “happened” to be on the plane with me a couple weeks ago. What’s that supposed to do? Scare me? “You were going to Oakland,” he said. Yeah, and Diebold lawyer’s memos appeared in the Oakland Tribune, but guess what, Mike: That was the first hop of three on my way to Dallas. I left that morning for a speech at the Dallas Democratic Forum that evening. Never even got off the plane. Better luck next time.

    And if they were really investigating what they said — a VoteHere “hack” can someone explain why they want the logs from the web site — it was SHUT DOWN due to Diebold cease & desists during the period of the supposed “hack.”

    And (you know who you are) — consider this a heads up: If you start bumbling around in my house with U.S. marshalls, the very first thing that will happen is mainstream news coverage that you are misusing the Patriot Act to get at membership lists and private correspondence for a fishing expedition on stuff that isn’t even the subject of a legitimate investigation.

    Yeah, I’m not a happy camper. Taking the pulse of our democracy nowadays, it doesn’t feel very healthy, does it?

    Bev Harris

    P.S. Everyone say hi to Mike.

    Please pass this along, and/or get your group involved:

    We need exactly 2,004 Clean-Up Crew members to volunteer as poll workers, election judges, and poll watchers, with a checklist of problems to hunt for and a hotline to litigators and the media. E-mail with “Volunteering!” in the subject line to join the Clean-Up Crew.

  16. Rod Serling says:

    George may wish us all into the cornfield.

  17. Earl Hamner says:

    The resumption of the military draft is another sign that we live in dangerous times and the United States is unhappily becoming a grotesque caricature of what it was. The photos of Brit and American soldiers abusing Iraqi detainees enraged me. I would like for that woman bridgadier in charge of the prison, Janice whatever her name is (East European-sounding name), to be court-martialed and for those UK and US soliders to be subjected to the harshest punishment before being forever separated from the armed services. I want their names to be made public if they are found guilty. I suppose Dannie Goeb (Padre Patricio) approves of this kind of monstrosity. This war is not in the best tradition of this country. I wonder what old “Cat Daddy” thinks of all this.

  18. Mike Reagen says:

    Dan Patrick is a big jurk and not many like him in Houston. What’s happen to Jon is caused by Patrick being such and fool of thinks he is a star. Dan was Ran off from TV sports and needs to be off the air in Houston. Joke face Dan Patrick.

  19. Rod Serling says:

    Earl and Mike
    I agree with you. May I state that AM 950 KPRC as well as KSEV mearly talk around the issues. They don’t tell us about the Chinese Troops in Mexico, nor the white train boxcars with shackels making their practice runs along the East Coast, nor the propose postponement of the forthcoming election, nor the potential plans for martial law by both the Democrats and Republicans, etc.
    Finally, It’s soooo stupid to “divide and conquer” when (especially) when Republicans keep calling the Democrats socialist/communist and evil when in fact the Republican Christian base has become Facist Christian Conservative Republicans….they are the pot calling the kettle black! I rest my case!!!!!

  20. Quiet Lurker says:

    Rod, you are an idiot. A complete idiot. Go hang yourself.

  21. Rod Serling says:

    I don’t know Quiet Lurker, we do not have legitimate news anymore in the USSA. Go, go ahead do a search on the items mentioned above.
    After all this is a free country (or was) I still have the right to attempt to tell the truth. I have been in the news business and know how to search things for their validity of truth. Don’t let yourself be brainwashed under the guise of the CIA MK Ultra program. And don’t get on a train to safety or the FEMA trucks. You will probably won’t come back….from the American Concentration Camps….
    Very Respectfully yours,

  22. George says:

    I bet Dan will never go and see Jon if he goes to prison. I bet he will be glad he is ther.

  23. dion says:


  24. Rod Serling says:


  25. Tony says:

    Rod I agree with everything but the Aliens, and on that part you are wrong, they have already taken over in the guise of Bill and Hillary and Dan and Edd.


  26. Winston Smith says:

    bogus Rod Serling above Tony that email is:

    [email protected]

    Good try Rid Kinsley, probably a Christian Facist, no?

  27. RID says:

    winston smith your MOTHER WAS A FANTASTIC LOVER…THE ONLY THING BAD WAS IT PRODUCED YOU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YO DADDY!

  28. Winston Smith says:

    how true how true

  29. Rod Serling says:

    HA HA WINSTON HE GOT YOU!WOO HOO HHOOO! OH BOY!IM SITTING IN MY OWN FECES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Virginia says:


  31. winston says:


  32. babs says:

    Can anyone tell me where to find information about how Jon’s trial is progressing or where we are in the process? Where can I go now to wish he and his family well? I thought that what this site was for, but it seems as though that thread has been lost.

  33. rob says:

    I know where you can go!!!!!!!!

  34. buger red says:


  35. buttnuget says:

    imagine world peace,lets just love one another brothers and sisters please quit fighting im for peace you be 4 peace too

  36. boris karloff says:


  37. George says:

    Ol Jon needs to come back and give Dan whistle britches a good whuppin !

  38. Virginia says:

    This has become a sick site for a bunch of airheads. I did not realize that so many people in this area fell into this group. Just goes to show how wrong a person can be. May GOD bless you and stop showing what jackasses you really are.

  39. DeLloyd says:

    You folks need to keep focused on King Cat Daddy—that is, Jon Matthews. Cat Daddy, I hope you read this! KSEV really is a big joke without you. Aryan Dan and his daily self-righteous rants make me sick. I ain’t no regular radio-phile. I’d listen again, Cat Daddy, if you were on it! You need to open up your mind just a little bit more toward liberalism. I ain’t asking you to agree with it, just see the good side of it. We needs a state income tax. I know you don’t like that. Old Rikki-Tikki-Perri is just kiddin hisself, man, he sure am! He wants to tax cigarettes to death in order to make it possible for people to keep their homes. And sexually orientated businesses. Ain’t gonna work, Rikki. Yet ole Aryan Dan thinks ole Rikki-Tikki hung the moon. Ooo-wee! Get back in there, Cat Daddy!

  40. boris karloff says:


  41. BUTTNUGET says:

    ole viginia would follow anyone…………………….like jim jones fer instance……..King Cat Diddy is in jail WHERE HE BELONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dan patrick rules!!!^*(*)_

  42. master says:

    just another example of why women should be kept barefoot and pregnant.

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