Tag Archives: podcasts

Ted Cruz may owe taxes on his podcast payments

This is a gift that keeps on giving. The peculiar payment scheme behind U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s popular podcast has raised ethical questions and drawn complaints about election law violations. Now tax experts say the deal involving a massive radio … Continue reading

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Second complaint filed over Ted Cruz’s podcast payments

Bring ’em all on. The Campaign Legal Center (CLC), a money-in-politics watchdog group, has filed a complaint with the Senate Ethics Committee alleging that U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz violated the upper chamber’s ban on members taking honoraria for speeches or … Continue reading

Posted in Election 2024, Show Business for Ugly People | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

FEC complaint filed over Cruz’s podcasting gig

Go for it. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz is facing a formal campaign finance complaint over money sent from the company that syndicates his podcast to a political action committee supporting his reelection bid. The complaint, filed Tuesday with the Federal … Continue reading

Posted in Election 2024, Show Business for Ugly People | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Of course Ted Cruz is getting paid to podcast

This is so stupid. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s office has repeatedly dismissed ethical questions about his three-times-a-week podcasting gig, saying he makes no money from the venture with a company that lobbies Congress. But over the last year, iHeartMedia, the … Continue reading

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What more is there to be said about the Astros sign stealing scandal?

There’s at least one podcast’s worth of material out there. Rather than writing a sequel to “Astroball,” his 2018 book about the improbable rise of the Jim Crane/Jeff Luhnow-era Astros, former Sports Illustrated writer Ben Reiter opted for a six-episode … Continue reading

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More on the Constitutional amendments

I found this while answering a question from a reader, and figured it was worth publicizing to a wider audience. Ten proposed constitutional amendments will be on the November ballot. The Texas League of Women Voters has compiled a nice … Continue reading

Posted in Election 2019 | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Council campaign miscellania

Just some notes and news about various Council campaign activities, collected and collated into one convenient location for you… Karen Derr will have an “old fashioned patriotic grand opening” of her campaign headquarters, which happens to be her house in … Continue reading

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