This editorial, which takes Roy Moore and the Alabama Christian Coalition to task for their stance that public education is a gift and not a right, is outstanding.

Take their stance on whether or not Alabama’s children should have the right to an education, which they espouse in a lengthy position paper available on the Coalition website. They spend 4,228 words arguing that education is a “gift” to be given by the state, rather than a right Alabama’s children can demand.

Of those 4,228 words, not one of them is “Jesus.” Not one of them is “Christ.” Not one of them is “God.” Not one of them is quoted from Scripture.

Evidently, what the Christian point-of-view on the topic might be and what the Bible has to say about it is beside-the-point to the Coalition. Quote Christ? Nah. But the paper does quote any number of other sources, from the United Nations to the AEA to something called Education International, in its effort to prove that the “right to an education” is a liberal fabrication to justify out-of-control spending. The guidance our Lord and Savior could offer in a decision that affects thousands and thousands of Alabamian lives is irrelevant; what a foreign education official named “Mr. van Leeuwen” has to say is critical, though. This is Christian leadership?

Check it out. Via Mac.

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6 Responses to WWJD?

  1. Chris Elam says:

    So what you’re saying, is that Christian leaders have to use Scripture in all their public statements… or risk not being taken seriously? Where does this standard arise? What unwritten law does that follow?

    Your bias is showing rather stark, Chuck.

  2. Charles Hixon says:

    WWJD? Since Jesus was a liberal, he would probably have a parable which would address the actual topic without personal attacks, maybe something like: Give the children a fish and they have food for a day. TEACH the children to fish and you feed them for a lifetime. Conservatives should like that. I wonder how Judge Moore has applied his public education and state-subsidized higher education.

  3. Mac Thomason says:

    Actually, Moore’s higher education was public as well; he went to West Point.

  4. Chris Elam says:

    How was Jesus a liberal? You so often hear that statement these days… and rarely the explanation.

  5. Patrick says:

    Two quick points – Mac, Moore’s education at West Point is “public” but education there involves a quid pro quo commitment that extends far beyond say paying one’s University of Houston student loans.

    Secondly Jesus, if judged by his teaching, was not strictly a conservative or a liberal. His message was simple but it defies the facile categorization that defines modern American politics. I think we would all be better off if the teachings of Jesus were internalized instead of having the name of Jesus weilded like a cudgel in a vain attempt to create a sense of moral superiority.

  6. Charles Hixon says:

    Patrick is right: too many conservatives do this. But the question WWJD is intended to be framed around todays issues, including todays politics, without the crutch of blasphemous implication by those of opposing opinion: Jesus wouldn’t tolerate that. WWJD?

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