Texas blog roundup for the week of February 6

The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes everyone has their power back by now as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff took a look at the varying results in judicial races in Harris County in 2022.

SocraticGadfly, from up on the Red, for various reasons doubts the Lege will give people casinos or even a casino constitutional amendment vote.

After a short break, Stace returns with a spotlight on a couple of campaign announcements that give him some hope.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Texas 2036 wants to modernize our state’s child welfare system.

Jef Rouner wonders why some people defend celebrities with such vigor.

James Revels looks at the plague of police brutality through the lens of Black History Month.

Amanda Marcotte digs into the reasons why Republicans keep doubling down on anti-abortion rhetoric and strategy.

Houston Landing announced itself as a new non-profit news source.

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