The Texas Progressive Alliance is enjoying the first taste of autumn as it brings you this week’s roundup.
Off the Kuff brings the news about a wingnut freakout over a housing development in Liberty County.
SocraticGadfly looks at Cornel West’s pivot from Green to independent.
Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said we should not willingly yield our right to protest at the homes of elected officials. People with power can’t be allowed to define acceptable ways to protest.
And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.
The Austin Chronicle implores that we stop trying to make school vouchers happen.
Reform Austin reports on red state policies shortening lifespans.
The Fort Worth Report talks to legal experts about that nun drama in Arlington.
The Texas Observer highlights a report on an increase in domestic violence murders in our state.
Progress Texas presents its endorsements for the state constitutional amendment elections.
Texas 2036 points out that an increase in insurance premium tax collections is a key driver of state revenue growth.