Teare recuses his office from the Hidalgo aides’ cases

As he said he would.

Sean Teare

Recently-elected Harris County District Attorney Sean Teare filed a motion on Thursday to recuse the Harris County Attorney’s Office from three cases related to the prosecution of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s former staffers.

In April 2024, former Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg brought in the Texas Office of the Attorney General to assist in the state’s prosecution of three former aides’ cases. However, Ogg did not formally recuse the district attorney’s office from them at that time.

Thursday’s motion, which Teare’s office announced in a press release, formally requests such recusal and the appointment of the Attorney General as attorney pro tem.

“For years, the worst kind of politics has marred the investigation and orderly administration of justice of these cases,” Teare said in the release. “Despite never having been involved in the prosecution or defense of any of these staffers, our community deserves a DA who not only removes politics from the prosecution of any criminal case, but who will also bend over backwards to avoid even the appearance of any conflict of interest. My hope is that moving forward, these cases will be adjudicated quickly, fairly, and with integrity.”

See here for the background. Teare had said he would recuse the office from this case back in March. A motion by the defense to do exactly this has been pending since June of 2022, not that long after the indictments were first handed down. I thought that was the right move for Teare when he first announced it, and I still think that way. One way or the other, this case needs to be brought to a resolution, and it’s best for someone not directly involved in the politics of it to take it from here. The next public hearing for this case is scheduled for May, we’ll see where we are at that time. Thanks to Campos for the heads up.

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