Texas blog roundup for the week of January 13

The Texas Progressive Alliance sends its love to the people of Los Angeles as it brings you this week’s roundup. A portal of verified fundraisers for people affected by the fires is here for anyone who might like to make a donation.

Off the Kuff analyzed the precinct data for the Railroad Commissioner’s race in Harris County.

SocraticGadfly critically reviewed Jimmy Carter’s presidential years and also discussed 1976 Democratic options.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said Greg Abbott doesn’t care if the people of Los Angeles or Houston live or die. But he is happy to use a tragedy to inflict even more misery.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The Eyewall does a deep dive into the history and causes of California wildfires.

The Barbed Wire is on the lookout for the New World Screwworm.

The Texas Signal has a timeline of Texas Republicans and January 6.

The Observer documents how Texas’ ban on testing strips contributes to fentanyl-related deaths.

Jef Rouner says book reading challenges are doing it all wrong.

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