Expand the map

Good news from the Senate 2008 Guru:

You may notice in the upper left hand corner of the website that we have a new addition to the Expand the Map! ActBlue page: State Representative and Lieutenant Colonel Rick Noriega. Representative/Lt. Col. Noriega has ignited the grassroots and netroots and achieved broad support among the establishment. Noriega is a terrific candidate and understands the meaning of words like “duty” and “service.” Further, incumbent Republican and Bush rubber stamp John Cornyn is extremely vulnerable. To recognize State Representative and Lieutenant Colonel Rick Noriega’s addition to the Expand the Map! ActBlue page, I would love to see readers of the Guru’s blog put up a half dozen contributions to Noriega today. Just six contributions – you can do it! Whether you can contribute $100 or $10, please contribute if you can! Many thanks!

You know I’m always happy to see more people climb on board the Noriega bandwagon. There’s plenty of room any time you want to join.

I should note that the other two people on the Guru’s list – Andrew Rice of Oklahoma, running against Sen. James “Global warming is a myth!” Inhofe; and Larry LaRocca of Idaho, running to replace (as if anyone could) Sen. Larry “Wide Stance” Craig – are both also well worth your support, if your interests expand beyond the borders of our fair state. Check ’em all out.

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