Weekend link dump for February 21

Did you remember to wish Cindy Crawford and Justine Bateman a Happy Birthday?

Ever wonder why some people worship Rachel Maddow? This is a good part of the reason.

With all the denial of how things were under the last President, I suppose this was inevitable.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Evan. Also, what Fallows, Chait, and Ezra said.

Get well soon, Gene.

Headlines you don’t want to see.

Happy Grover Appreciation Day!

Best wishes to Mai’s Restaurant as they rebuild from that awful fire.

No love for Rick Perry in Aggieland.

Is there anything faster than spammers adjusting to new technology?

Public defender bumper stickers.

From the “Pay no attention to what we say because we don’t really mean it” files.

Oh, Jenny. Please listen carefully to how you sound, OK?

The enduring fantasy of “independent” candidates.

Everybody hates the Citizens United decision. As well they should. Who’s a judicial activist now?

I join in the call for this moratorium. Now get off my lawn!

Sure, let’s regulate insurance companies like we regulate credit card companies. What could possibly go wrong with that?

There’s just something different about our President.

Has anyone created this Facebook group yet?

Squeaky wheels get the grease.

The 2010 Vancouver Fashion Olympics.

What to do with n00bs.

On the latest lawsuit against JK Rowling.

That Esquire story on Roger Ebert that everyone’s been talking about.

Won’t somebody please think of the potties?

The conservative health care freakout will indeed be a joy to behold.

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