The cupcake controversy

I recently came across an interesting blog about children and food, particularly school food, called The Lunch Tray that’s worth your time to take a look at. I especially liked this post about the habit of bringing cupcakes to school for a kid’s birthday. Which, I must confess, is something that puzzles me a bit. I think Olivia’s elementary school experience so far is about a million times better than mine was. But, and at the risk of sounding like a curmudgeon, if there was one thing that we did back in the day that I think was better, it was that we didn’t celebrate birthdays during the school day. Oh, we had our birthday parties, with birthday cake and all, we just had them at home. I don’t know how or when that paradigm shifted, but it has. The good news from my perspective is that Olivia’s birthday comes during the summer, so we won’t be contributing to this problem with her. Not so with Audrey, though, so I’m not going to get smug about it. Feel free to vent and/or defend your own cupcake-in-the-classroom behavior in the comments, and then go check out The Lunch Tray.

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One Response to The cupcake controversy

  1. Jessica says:

    I say one cupcake party a month for all the corresponding birthdays. Room parents assume the responsibility and get donations at the beginning of the year.

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