When Jack attacks

I pass the following along with amusement but no comment. In that email exchange between Jack Rains and Joan Huffman that I highlighted yesterday, among the things that Rains flung against the wall was this:

A great deal of pressure is being applied to this race behind the scenes. I am advised by several sources that State Senator John Whitmire, Democrat Houston, is soliciting support for Joan Huffman, who is running as a Republican. Senator Whitmire has reportedly received a large donation, some say $10,000, from Joan Huffman’s husband Keith lawyer, Mr. Lawyer who is heavily funding his wife’s campaign, some say to the tune of half million dollars, has an extensive number of bars , which presumably serve alcoholic beverages. John Nau is the Budweiser distributor for Harris and several other surrounding counties. Incidentally the event was organized by Joan Huffman’s consultants, Sue and Dave Walden, who were consultant to Lee P. Brown, a democrat partisan and clearly Houston’s all time worst mayor.

You already know that I think he’s making up that allegation about Sen. Whitmire, who I’m told is not happy about being dragged into this little spat. Turns out some other feathers were ruffled as well. Here’s an email exchange that resulted from this, which was passed along to me:

From: David Walden
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2008 10:02 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Sue Walden
Subject: Joan Huffman Campaign

Jack, once again you must not have been sober when sending out your email claiming that I am a consultant to Joan’s campaign. I am not involved in her campaign. My wife is. Just her. Not me. I don’t work at Walden and Associates. I expect you to send a correction asap to the poor souls on your email list or I truly will deal with you like the dog you are. Understood fat boy.

Dave Walden

[here’s the reply:]

From: Jack Rains
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 3:43 PM
To: Jack Rains
Subject: Dave Walden attack and request for clarification
Importance: High

Dear Dave,

In response to your message below, I of course apologize for and deeply regret any angst I caused you, or Sue, by mistakenly assuming you guys were a team. I assure you both I intended no offense.

Pursuant to your request I will make everyone aware of the facts by attaching your email below. Since I have received no clarification from Sue, are we to assume you speak for her in this matter?

On the subject of your personal remarks and threats; first I assume you speak, as usual, only for yourself. To properly address the matter may I suggest the two of us schedule a time when we may enjoy a quiet stroll together in Memorial Park so that you may personally express your feelings. If you were serious, and not merely popping off and exhibiting your famous humor and keen political skills, I must warn you, as an attorney, that physical attacks against poor old elderly, physically infirmed folks constitute a felony under Texas law. You should also consider that if attacked such actions in turn permit us to defend ourselves…… even from apparently deranged Chihuahuas.

Chill and stay out of the rain, I look forward to seeing you soon and personally resolving this unfortunate matter.


I believe it was Molly Ivins who said that politics was the finest form of free entertainment ever devised. I think we can all see why she thought that.

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