Chron endorses Morales over Sanchez

The Chronicle has endorsed Dan Morales in the Democratic primary for Governor. This is unlikely to mean anything, since the Chron is a lead-pipe cinch to back Governor Goodhair in November, and since Tony Sanchez is virtually certain to be the Democratic candidate anyway.

There are a couple of sentences from this endorsement which interest me:

…the party needs a strong gubernatorial candidate who has more than deep pockets with which to unite and energize the party.

…his record of service to the state is long, substantial and familiar.

In other words, the Chron prefers the experienced professional who has a clue about how our state government works to the rich, folksy outsider businessman who wants to buy his way into office. Seems reasonable.

Except, of course, when the rich, folksy outsider businessman is a Republican and the experienced professional with a clue is a Democrat. You know, like in 1990 when they endorsed Clayton Williams over Ann Richards and in 1994 when it was Dubya over Ann. Some things are more important than having a clue, after all.

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