Movin’, movin’, movin’…

Well, tomorrow is moving day. The house is almost completely packed now – boxes as far as the eye can see. You really don’t appreciate how much crap you actually have until you remove all of it from its normal storage spaces. And since we’re moving into a larger house, that means we get to delude ourselves into believing we need more stuff. It’s times like this when I think that the anti-consumerism yobbos may be onto something.

Tiffany’s mom helped us with a lot of the packing. She is a fearsome sight to behold when she’s in the zone. It’s a good thing we took Harry over to Tiffany’s sister’s place for the duration or we might have discovered him in a box on Monday.

We took a break this afternoon to go on the Houston Heights Spring Home and Garden Tour. The Houston Heights is adjacent to my neighborhood and takes its role as a historic neighborhood seriously. It’s a great antidote to the soulless lotbuster townhomes now dominating Montrose and Neartown as well as generic gated-community suburbia. There are photos of the featured homes on the Home Tour page. The last one shown, built in the 1890s, is the only one of its kind left in Houston and is the most interesting house I’ve ever seen, from its turret-roof library to its aviary and chicken coop. You can almost picture a Victorian-era staff bustling about keeping the house running.

The thing I like to look at the most when I tour a house is books. This is partly because I’m a nosey parker and partly because, as an aesthetic retard, furnishings and wall treatments mean little to me. It’s the occupants’ taste in reading material that gives me a picture of who they are. And of course, especially for home-tour-type houses, I can usually feel a bit smug about how at least I don’t have as much useless crap as whoever these folks are.

So anyway, I’ll be shutting down the computer sometime after posting this, which means no updates until Monday at the soonest. I figure if I can find my toothbrush and a change of clothes tomorrow night we’ll have done all right. Wish us luck.

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