Nader tries to get on the ballot

Ralph Nader isn’t on any state’s ballot yet, but he’s still trying.

Texas has the earliest deadline and some of the toughest requirements to secure a place on the ballot. Nader supporters have until May 4 to collect 64,000 signatures.

Nader backers are hoping a strong showing in Texas, with the symbolism of accomplishment in Bush’s home state, will boost his chances elsewhere.

“We have hundreds of people out collecting in Texas,” said Jason Kafoury, Nader ballot access coordinator for the state. “It’s a whole, wide variety of people, including many who have not been active in politics before.”

If this is anything like the process to get on a primary ballot, he really needs about double that amount to ensure that he doesn’t get tripped up by double-signers, ineligible voters, and so on. That’d be 128,000 signatures. For the record, Nader got 137,994 votes overall in Texas in 2000. Lotsa luck, fellas. Oh, and by all means, keep calling good Democrats like Byron for assistance. I’m sure they’ll all do what they can for you.

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5 Responses to Nader tries to get on the ballot

  1. William Hughes says:

    Texas’ procedures remind me of New York’s. Here, anyone wanting to get on the ballot better produce three times the required signatures and make sure everything’s correct on each page. The entire page of signatures can be thrown out if one is incorrect.

  2. Liberty says:

    Its even tougher than expressed. In Texas, the signers must be registered voters, and not have voted in the last primary. So one has to find disenfranchised registered voters. The Libertarians are struggeling to get someone on the Texas ballot also.

  3. Maccabee says:

    I saw someone today here in Austin collecting signatures.

    I just gave her the look.


  4. NotAnyone says:

    I was in Mojo’s in Austin last month and saw a petition on a table. I accidentally ruined it by spilling my coffee on it. Oops.

  5. Patrick says:

    I was in Mojo’s in Austin last month and saw a petition on a table. I accidentally ruined it by spilling my coffee on it. Oops.

    So much for “Let every vote count”, eh?


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