Critics criticize: Film at 11

I’m going to outsource most of the commentary on this week’s Move It! column about Metro critics criticizing Metro for doing something they disagree with to Greg, who says most of what I’d say. The main thing I’d add is that it’s trivially easy to imagine a scenario in which Metro had taken the opposite action – in this case, continuing to operate low-volume bus routes and seeing a rise in cost to correspond with a rise in overall system ridership – only to come under fire from these same critics for wasting taxpayer dollars on services no one uses. It’s not all that hard to sing along at home, you know? Heads or tails, either way Metro sucks. There’s plenty about Metro to criticize, and there are some thoughtful critics of Metro – if I were Bill King, I’d be unhappy about being in the same article as the “persistent light rail critic” that was also present – but so much of what we get is basically a paint-by-numbers routine, and that’s a shame.

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