FTA writes another check for light rail construction

Keep ’em coming.

I still hope we get to have all this some day

The expansion of Houston Metro got another boost from the federal government with the allocation of $188 million in additional construction funding for the North and Southeast light rail lines.

Congressman Gene Green, the Houston Democrat who is dean of the metropolitan area’s House delegation, said the money is part of Houston Metro’s full funding grant agreement with the Federal Transit Administration.

“I’ve been a long time supporter of light rail in these areas because it will greatly increase people’s transportation options and incentivize economic development along the routes,” said Green, a career legislator who served in the Texas legislature before election to Congress.

“I am glad to see these projects moving forward.”

Metro had signed the full funding grant agreement with the FTA last November, and had received some funds for the North and Southeast lines last June. I don’t recall if that was an advance on the FFGA or if was separate; I suspect the former but the details are fuzzy to me at this point. Either way, there’s still a lot more of those funds to come. Rep. Green has definitely been a strong advocate for Metro and these lines, which run through parts of his district. I’ve begun work on my candidates interviews for the fall, and he happened to be first in line, so you can hear him talk a bit about this when I run his interview on Monday. Those of you who live in CD07 and would like to see your rail lines built while you’re still young enough to use them, I hope someday you’ll have a member of Congress like Gene Green who’ll work with you to get it. KUHF has more.

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