Weekend link dump for October 7

“The surest way to become a monster is to imagine you’re a hero”.

RIP, Elfquest, the long-running indie fantasy comic.

“Just as you would never give out personal information if asked to do so via email, never give out any information about yourself in response to an unsolicited phone call.”

“I do not believe that the heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21 year old should condemn a person for the rest of his life. However … if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences.”

“We have never had a Supreme Court nominee who ripped off the nonpartisan mask the way Kavanaugh did Thursday and identified himself as an enemy of a political party.”

What if I told you that “steroids” may not have been the primary cause of the home run surge of the so-called “steroid era” of baseball?

“So when Kennedy makes the case that we are living through a frightening period of democratic decline, he speaks with authority: at least in the United States, much of that decline is his fault.”

You would not have wanted to use Brett Kavanaugh’s bathroom at Yale.

Don’t click on that link about Ruby Rose. You’ll regret it.

Quelle Surprise.

Happy 60th birthday, Huckleberry Hound.

In these troubled times, I would hope that a story about an injured turtle being aided in its recovery by a wheelchair made out of LEGOs is something we can all rally around.

RIP, Peggy Sue Gerron, the inspiration for the Buddy Holly song.

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3 Responses to Weekend link dump for October 7

  1. Bill Daniels says:

    “We have never had a Supreme Court nominee who ripped off the nonpartisan mask the way Kavanaugh did Thursday and identified himself as an enemy of a political party.”

    Maybe not, but I know what I saw….a coordinated political assassination attempt by a political party on a judicial nominee. I’m not blind, and neither is Kavanaugh. The hit went beyond party politics and was both brutal, and personal. Rape trains? Public exposure? Attempted rape? If someone had done that to you, Kuff, with your wife and little daughters watching it all, I suspect you would not have rolled over and taken it either, nor should you have.

    Kav’s position, I think, was best summed up by Rambo: “They drew first blood, not me.” it’s expected that a nominee will face tough questions, but being accused of “choo choo, all aboard the rape train” is over the line.

    Even now, the Dems are threatening to keep going after Kavanaugh if they retake the House. That isn’t even a veiled threat, it’s an open threat. Is Kavanaugh an enemy? Possibly he is now. Whose fault is that?

  2. Bill Daniels says:

    Here’s Nancy Pelosi explaining the “wrap up smear,” on C-Span, which is exactly what was done to Kav.


  3. Manny Barrera says:

    Bill, who do you hope to convince?

    I think the Supreme Court is a farce, I think Trump is a Russian Puppet, I think most Trump supporters have lost the ability to accept anyone that is not just like them.

    But as a minority party, the Republicans have to resort to hate to maintain power. What they have managed to do is wake up the majority of Americans.

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