Are you ready for Harry?

The Chron goes all Harry Potter as the hours tick down to the official release at 12:01 AM. Bookstores all over town will be open along with eager kids and their bleary-eyed parents, no doubt lined up with randomly-drawn numbers so there’s no rioting over who gets to be first.

Of course, if you really really wanted to be the first kid on your block to have a copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, you should have done this.

Not about to let this marketing opportunity disappear, The Fairmont Newfoundland has conjured up a Hocus-Pocus Package ($160, double), which includes a voucher for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince when it goes on sale at midnight at the local Chapters bookstore — a half-hour ahead of the East Coast, thanks to the province’s unique time zone.

How often does one get to be the first kid on one’s continent to do something?

As for us, we established a pattern of buying the British versions of the books, so we’ll be a few days behind as or order ships across the pond from Amazon UK – I got the email confirming its departure earlier today. Those of you who’ll be up reading all night tonight, please don’t tell me anything about it for the next two weeks or so.

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4 Responses to Are you ready for Harry?

  1. Red Dog says:

    Oh boy oh boy oh boy
    Oh boy oh boy oh boy
    Oh boy oh boy oh boy
    Oh boy oh boy oh boy

    dude, any book with a kick ass charter named Bill with red hair is a classic. Here’s hoping he gets some action from that French chick. “redhairis accideno!”

  2. Aakash says:

    Don’t read ’em…

  3. Out of Time, Out of Phase

    It’s Friday evening here in Pearland. We’re half an hour from the season premier of Battlestar Galactica. It’s not even dark outside. And yet, in some parts of the world, people are already reading the new Harry Potter.
    Update: st…

  4. Sue says:

    I’m feeling all bouncy: I got my copy at 12:45 this morning, read a few chapters, slept, and now I’m doing a bit of websurfing, just to prove to myself that I have at least a little self-control.

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