Texas blog roundup for the week of December 30

The Texas Progressive Alliance says good riddance to 2024 and casts a wary eye at the year ahead as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff considers the ethics and value of putting courtroom proceedings on YouTube.

SocraticGadfly read Jessica Pishko, and disagrees with some of her premises, including but not limited to the idea of abolishing sheriffs.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said the work of fighting for democracy will be up to rank & file citizens of Houston/Harris County, rather than people dependent for their livelihood on the mainstream systems bringing the authoritarian outcomes.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

The Observer rounds up its best longform stories from the year.

El Paso Matters reports that Ken Paxton’s efforts to kill Harris County’s guaranteed income program succeeded in doing so in El Paso.

The Barbed Wire remembers an iconic Christmas gift.

Your Local Epidemiologist highlights 22 public health accomplishments from the past year.

The San Antonio Report brings you its year in photos.

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