Weekend link dump for September 6

“There are many things you can copyright, but a chicken sandwich is not one of them”.

All you need to know, more or less, about investing.

A brief history of the religious right. Hint: It was race, and not abortion, that got things started.

The physics Of Star Trek: Quantum Teleportation versus Transporters.

RIP, Dr. Oliver Sacks, physician and renowned author.

Of course no one pays attention during conference calls. It’s called “multitasking”.

“But all that’s happening is that SF&F are finding ways to do for everyone else who might be interested what it was already doing for the white, male, geeky audience: not just show people new futures and other worlds, but show people new futures and other worlds with themselves in it.”

RIP, Wes Craven, iconic horror movie direector.

RIP, Al Arbour, legendary NHL coach.

We do actually do Canadian border security. Quite a lot of it, in fact.

Well done, Jessica Mendoza. I hope they keep you in the booth.

Why does anyone take James O’Keefe seriously? Honest question.

“They made him fight a newborn baby. Told him it was his own younger self, time-travelin’ from the past, tryin’ to take away his birthday.”

“The truth, however, is that pilfering Spanish colonies aside, McKinley was much more a lucky president than a great one — a case study in the heavy role of contingency in shaping political events.”

“I went out and got a tattoo of it. I’ve been saving a spot on my arm for if I ever get a dinosaur named after me.”

“The most sobering thing about my time in government is to really understand on an emotional level that this country belongs to you and me and it is exactly as good as we make it. Grownups are not going to fix it for us and billionaires are not going to fix it for us.”

Affinity matters, in case you were wondering.

What Chad Orzel says about taking college courses in things you’re not good at.

Wait, so Fargo is sort of based on a true story after all?

“Religious liberty does not entitle the bearer to line-item vetoes for essential job functions.”

And this is why some people should never use social media.

“In more than two-thirds of the United States, it’s still legal to fire someone, kick them out of their home, or deny them service in places like stores or even hospitals because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. No one deserves to be treated like a second-class citizen just because of who they are.”

RIP, Gene Elston, original broadcast voice of the Houston Astros.

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