
Those of you who live in or travel to Houston will be pleased to know that Marfreless, the little watering hole often referred to as “the make-out bar” tucked into a corner of the River Oaks Shopping Center, is under new management and has been renovated. The place is now co-owned by my cousin-in-law Robert, and at his invitation Tiffany and I attended a friends’n’family grand opening event last night. It’s still the same dimly-lit bar with couches upstairs, but it’s clean and freshly painted and feels a lot nicer than it used to. I believe they’ll be open to the public as of this weekend, so head on over and have a drink.

(Amazing the things you find when you Google. Twenty years ago, Marfreless was considered one of the greatest bars in Texas by someone who claims a fair bit of authority on the subject. If his liver can still take it, I hope he’d still like the place today. I’m moderately pleased and moderately appalled to note that I’ve been to four of his faves – the others being Kay’s, Grif’s, and the Last Concert – all of which are still chugging along.)

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8 Responses to Marfreless

  1. Bill says:

    This brings back some good memories. Marfreless was a favorite back when I was living in Houston 18 years ago, although the air got a bit smoky. Not only have I spent some time in the other three you mention, especially Kay’s, but I also remember going to Park Lane, La Carafe and the Richmond Ice House. Some of those may not exist anymore.

    Looking further down his list I counted seven more around the state that have had the pleasure of my company. Obviously I’ve led a wasted life.

  2. Reflections says:


    Kuffner has posted some news about Marfreless, one of the bars that was fun to *ahem* discover shortly after moving

  3. Blake says:

    Kay’s!….’85 Rice grad here…hope that Texas-shaped table is still there.

  4. Kevin Whited says:

    Of course, I’m hopelessly biased, but the West Alabama Icehouse really could have been on that list. 🙂

  5. Last I checked, about a year ago, the Texas table was still at Kay’s. Larry can probably confirm that nothing bad has happened since then.

    I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve never actually been to the West Alabama Ice House, even though I used to live a few blocks away. Whenever you’re ready to collect on that beer I owe you, Kevin…

  6. Blake says:

    Thanks for the report, Charles. Kay’s is one of the things I miss most about Houston….that and being a carefree college student with no worries….yet.

  7. John says:

    This might get to be a Rice reunion. (Lovett ’84) Kays is still there, and Marfreless is the same too. Sammy’s (on campus pub), however, now sucks.

  8. Seasons Rearranged says:

    Does anyone know about the poem/James Joyce like poem/story on the wall at Marfreless?

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