Saturday still photo break: May the Force be with you

We have some family in town, and today Audrey and I took them to the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit at the Health Museum. It was a combination of models and costumes from the “Star Wars” movies, with behind-the-scenes videos on how some of the special effects were done, plus interactive exhibits on robotics and magnetism that aimed to help explain how this sort of technology works in the real world. And it gave me the chance to take these pictures:

That malfunctioning little twirp, this is all his fault.

I see your point, sir. I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the Wookiee win.

Those of you who are into that sort of thing – and you know who you are – should check it out. We’re now resting up before heading out for White Linen Night. Hope you’re having fun today, too.

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