I’m just thankful that snarkery is still permitted

Wow. How big a persecution complex do you have to have to do this?

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6 Responses to I’m just thankful that snarkery is still permitted

  1. norbizness says:

    This 40-watt light bulb that illuminates Baby Jesus in my nativity scene don’t run, motherfuckers!

    You can have my Baby Jesus when you pry it… oh, you get the idea.

  2. Ginger says:

    Apparently Debra Duncan is hawking this story. My mother told me the same thing, based on a report on her show (the Foley’s thing, etc.) When I pointed out to her that she has demonstrated an objection to religious bullying in the workplace and Foley’s IS a workplace for a sales associate, she said, “oh”.

    I can only imagine what people who get all their news from Fox think is going on.

  3. Charles M says:

    Personally, I’ve had a lot of fun with the “we should go back to celebrating Christmas the way the Puritans did, Founding Fathers and all that, left Britain to escape religious persecution” gambit.

    The fact the celebration of Christmas was forbidden by law – 5 shilling fine – is incovenient and usually gets me called a lying God hating, anti-Christmas librul.

    The fine doesn’t sound like much (pounds 29.48 in today currency) but it was 1/160 the average annual income in those days.

  4. Charles M says:

    Typo in my last post. It should say 1/16 as opposed to 1/160. Average un/semi-skilled labor during that time frame made something on the order of 10-14 pence per day.

  5. Steve says:

    Personally, I’ve had a lot of fun with the “we should go back to celebrating Christmas the way the Puritans did, Founding Fathers and all that, left Britain to escape religious persecution” gambit.

    As I wrote on my weblog last week, when Cromwell suppressed Christmas, it triggered riots throughout England. (On the other hand, the English and Scottish non-conformists hated Christmas because they associated it Catholicism and drunken licentiousness; if the latter were the reason for the season, I think everyone could enjoy it regardless of race, creed, or color, but I suppose that’s what the office holiday party is for.)

  6. Chrismukkah is better

    This type of thing is exactly the reason I have beef with xmas. I would prefer a O.C. style Chrismukkah any day. Take 2 psuedo religious hildays and combine them into one event where you end up with your exes, and then convince your best friend to da…

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