Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack

Olivia’s been the little social butterfly lately – last week she attended a blogger gathering, and the next evening she went to her very first baseball game.

We were in a suite thanks to some corporate largesse, which meant she could run around and be free. Those little bags of peanuts and Cracker Jack that were scattered around the place made excellent toddler toys, as you can see. Good to know for the next time, too.

Oh, and the Stros won, too. All in all, a fine night.

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10 Responses to Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack

  1. The Rep. says:

    It does not get any better than that my friend. She is a beauty!

  2. William Hughes says:

    Isn’t there a federal law against being that cute? I’m surprised Congress hasn’t tried tacking something on to the No Child Left Behind laws regarding this. 🙂

    Obviously, I’m talking about Olivia, folks, not Chuck. He’s just not that cute. 🙂

  3. I’ll third it. She IS a beauty. You probably have a hard time taking your eyes off of her.

  4. cacafuego says:

    What a cutie! But why are you wearing your baseball jammies to the game??

  5. Ted says:

    How fun, sharing brew with neocons like Bramanti et all. Not sure how you did it.

  6. norbizness says:

    Did you guys jack a vendor or something? Grifters!

  7. Parenting’s a Tough Racket

    I met some friends out a while back, and I was talking with one about my kids, who were three and one at the time. I said to him, “I don’t have a lot of patience, and unfortunately that’s the main ingredient needed to do a good job.”

  8. oyster says:

    Darling girl!

    I can’t wait until my one-year old gets a little older.

  9. She could probably be a better starting pitcher than Wandy and Freaky Zeke combined.

  10. Ellen says:

    This photo just delights me on so many levels.

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