Dispatches from Dallas, September 9 edition

This is a weekly feature produced by my friend Ginger. Let us know what you think.

This week, in news from Dallas-Fort Worth, we have a lot of business. We start with coverage of the Ken Paxton trial. Then we move on to the Senate race and some local state House races, Prager U and some of the awful people who sponsor it, ransomware news, city and county budget updates, the awful heat and its effects, fair food, dinosaur tracks, and zoo babies, among other things. This week’s post was brought to you by the music of Hauschka (Volker Bertelmann), a modern classical composer and performer.

We start this week with local boy gone bad Ken Paxton. Local pre-trial reporting included the news that half of Texas voters think Paxton should be removed as Attorney General. Here’s Paxton and his supporters, including his wife and Sid Miller, in Collin County celebrating Labor Day (which you would have thought was a little communist for those guys, but whatever). Not everybody in Plano thinks Paxton is fantastic, though, as this Texas Newsroom series of interviews shows. It turns out some of their GOP folks didn’t know what all he was accused of.

Propublica has taken a look at some of the things Paxton wasn’t doing in office, specifically refusing to represent state agencies and forcing them to spend money on outside counsel. Our tax dollars at work! Last but not least, the AP has some details about the perks Paxton enjoyed as AG, a story that really takes the cake. Quite literally: the cake was from HEB and worth $45, and they gave it to his staff but he took it home himself.

We also have a lot of backgrounders: Angela Paxton from the DMN; Jeff Mateer, one of the early prosecution witnesses from the Star-Telegram; Nate Paul, Paxton’s buddy, again from the Star-Telegram; and Paxton’s purported affair partner, also from the Star-Telegram. The DMN also has an editorial on the “Shameful Six” senators who voted against trying Ken Paxton. I like that name, so let’s help it catch on. Last but not least, we have some Texas Republican politicians opinionating about the trial: John Cornyn, trying to be in the middle of the Republican road, and former House Rep Louie Gohmert, a loudmouth we haven’t heard from in a while, who is unsurprisingly against the guy he tried to primary out of the AG office. Even a stopped clock, etc.

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