Interview with Molly Cook

Molly Cook

Our next candidate for SD15 is a name that should be familiar to you, Molly Cook. Cook ran in the primary for SD15 against then-Sen. Whitmire and collected 42% of the vote, a strong showing for a first-timer against a veteran incumbent. Cook was then and still is a nurse, doing emergency and home-health nursing, with a bachelor’s from UT and a master’s in health policy from Johns Hopkins. She has been active in other areas of politics as well, working on the Beto campaign, for Prop B/Fair for Houston, and for Stop TxDOT-I45. You can listen to the interview I did with her for the 2022 primary here, and you can listen to this interview below:


Karthik Soora, SD15
Michelle Bonton, SD15

I will have more interviews from SD15 this week, with interviews from other races to follow in the weeks to come. You can keep track of all my interviews and judicial Q&As on the ever indispensable Erik Manning spreadsheet.

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