Back and forth in At Large #5

Did you think this would be a slow holiday week? Not when there’s a runoff looming. So far this week, the Jack Christie campaign has released a letter from the former public policy director for CM Jolanda Jones that ripped her up one side and down the other. The next day, the city’s Office of the Inspector General cleared CM Jones of charges that she had cut that same letter writer’s salary in retaliation for his cooperation in the previous OIG investigation of her, thus refuting or at least dampening some of the allegations made in the campaign letter. Jones then released a letter of her own, from Kubosh brother #3, Randy, in support of her candidacy. (If Kuboshes were Baldwins, that would make Randy Billy, I suppose.) I presume this was done in part to counter the Bill White endorsement of Christie, but honestly in a toss-up race like this every little edge could be the difference. Having said that, I’m not sure how much any endorsement really matters in a low-turnout race that’s all about getting as many of your core supporters to realize that there is an election for them to vote in. But no stone unturned and all that.

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11 Responses to Back and forth in At Large #5

  1. joshua bullard says:

    I stood with the kubosh brothers in sunnyside and agreed that the mayor should turn the cameras off-on this issue ,i supported them-on the jolanda jones issue we do not joinder-heres why,i am not going to sit here and watch the houston do write up after write up for the next two years over more additional issues that happen to come up with attorney jolanda jones-period,i trusted this lady and she turned her back on me time and time again,in the ten years ive known this ladie all i ever got was a box of shiply dougnuts-she refused to step in on behalf of the kids of the city and ask the mayor to tighten our anti smoking laws in order to protect our children,in my twenty years of being in and around city hall i have never seen any council member cause this much co-motion-if you vote for attorney jolanda jones in the run off ,thats the last time youll see her,she has been a great disspointment to me and my mom and my brothers and my friends,when people from the general public try to get public access to public records her staff member “jack”is there to take pictures of them in what could be construed as intimidation,
    as the author of 2005-245 in the city of houston which shielded all people from second hand smoke at metro bus stops,park and rides, and the metro rail stations i ask that all join me at the polls and cast a vote for jack christie at large#5.

    respectfully submitted
    joshua ben bullard

  2. JJMB says:

    Hmm, am I inclined to follow smart, hard-working, sincerely public spirited Bill White’s recommendation, or some third or fourth brother from some hirsute family who I have never heard of except for having seen them foaming at the mouth over red light cameras?

    Bill White saw Jones up close for two years and is taking flack from the mindless Dems who would vote for a serial killer if he had a D after his name. He supports Jack Christie. Christie it is. (And I continue to hear of other Dems working behind the scenes for Christie as well.)

  3. JJMB says:

    Joshua’s story is common. Jones is all talk and very, very, very little action. So many people tell other council member offices “well, I went to Jones first, but nothing happened.”

    The Kuboshes saw her do something for them only because they had TV cameras in tow and because they were going against the police force — the two things Jones absolutely LOVES. If those are your top two measurements of a public servant, then by all means vote for her.

  4. Houstonian says:

    Christie will get my vote. Ms Jones wastes far too much of everybody’s time with some of her antics, which imo, is mostly intended to draw attention to herself. There are good public servants on council, but I don’t count her among them.

    I’m not impressed that Mr Kubosh cannot write and release his endorsement without using “physically” instead of “fiscally” throughout the document. I put more stock in what Bill White has to say on Ms Jones.

  5. Jules says:

    Jones has the guts to vote against the Mayor. I’m voting for her.

  6. paul kubosh says:

    Baldwin brothers? How about doobie brothers?

  7. In re: Baldwin brothers, it was the first brother combination that popped into my head as I was writing this. Second choice was the Hanson brothers. I will leave it to you to decide if I mean these guys or these guys.

  8. paul kubosh says:

    I can’t stop laughing. Have a good thanksgiving to Ben, Jj, jules and all others who read this site and especially to our host kuffner. I know it may not seem so but we should all remember that at the end of the day there is more that binds us then there is that seperates us.

  9. Jules says:

    Happy Thanksgiving Paul, Joshua and especially to Charles who lets me write unflattering comments about Mayor Parker.

  10. joshua bullard says:

    kuff-i wanted to wait till the last minute to tell you-you did an outstanding job on the city elections this year-you even topped your 2010 performance,i think i speak for everyone when i say,thanks for the coverage,my only request is that next time you interview juliete stepeche,please use an updated picture-lol.

    lastly-paul-levine-“jules”jjmb-never forget “less goverment/means more freedom”

    c-you @ the polls

    bullard “BEN” joshua

  11. Burt Levine says:

    I remain thankful this weekend to be able to get up every morning around 5 am for the purpose of reading Kuff! I grateful there are citizens in this country and community such as Kuff, Bullard, Kubosh, Jules, Houstonian and JJMB and yes, less tax, less spending and more less government means more freedom, free enterprise and a better Houston, Texas!

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