Five Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Must Be Stopped

The title pretty much says it all. I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit that I can remember the 1970s vintage “Shazam!”, where lines like “Oh, Elders, fleet and strong and wise, appear before my seeking eyes!” were spoken with great earnestness. I consider that decade to be the golden age of Saturday morning entertainment, but even Golden Ages have their tarnish.

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4 Responses to Five Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Must Be Stopped

  1. othniel says:


    It has been a long time coming, but finally I get to disagree with you.

    The Green Lantern movie looks to be really good (I wonder how many will remmeber the fantastic GL issue in which he and Green Arrow took on Spiro Agnew), and Lucius Vorenus as Thor – I can’t wait.

    Frankly, I was somewhat offended by the homophobic tone of the article to which you linked. For many gay men my age (mid 50’s), the silver age comic book heroes of the 50’s and 60’s were people with whom we could identify – the secret identity was a solace when to many of us at the time coming out was too frightening and overwhelming to contemplate. I cannot tell you how many people told me I could never become a lawyer if I were to become openly gay – I would be endorsing a crime.

    For a more eloquent articulation of these thoughts check out one of my favorite gay progressive blogs, “So I Like Superman,”

    In any event, thanks (by Green Lantern’s Light) for letting me know these movies are coming.

  2. CrispyShot says:

    Don’t forget the “sequel,” Isis!
    I remember wondering at various times in childhood why no one seemed to be upset with the semi-worship of non-Judeo-Christian deities in a lot of comics, from Captain Marvel to the Mighty Thor and his various spinoffs. Seems like the Christian right had more to fear from comics than a supposed homosexual agenda.

  3. The_Other_Sarah says:

    Robert Brockaway must be stopped.

    His tirade drips sexually-couched loathing for all things not to his exact taste.

    Is he in reality an insurance actuary?

    Kuff, I’m disappointed that you’d link to this guy’s screed. There’s noting “vague” about its anti-homosexuality, unless … it doth protest too much.

    And it’s anti-heterosexual, too, with it’s unsubtle attempts at sly humor (taint isn’t a word most authors use now unless they’re talking about poisoned food, and to read this guy’s comments about taints and whiffs nearly lost me breakfast).

  4. Obviously, I didn’t read the post that closely, or I might have picked up on what Othniel and Sarah have pointed out, which upon rereading is much more apparent to me now. My sincere apologies for that. I got as far as seeing “Shazam!” and got caught up in a wave of Bad 70s TV nostalgia. That’s not an excuse for missing what was in front of my face, however.

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