One year of Olivia

One year ago today, Olivia Rose Kuffner made her appearance in our lives. Today, on her first birthday, she’s given us a year’s worth of joy and happiness. She’s walking now, though she still crawls when she wants to get there quickly. She has a total fascination with all things paper, all things red (especially Elmo dolls), and the TiVo remote. She eats pretty much everything we put in front of her, with avocados and Cheerios being her favorites. Now that she’s finally starting to cut teeth, we’ll be able to expand her menu and see if her omnivorous tendencies continue. Like her mother, she prefers to wake up on her own time, and once she’s set on a course of action it’s hard to persuade her to do something else. Like her father, she has a terminal case of bedhead every morning, and has an all-absorbing fascination with the TiVo remote. She loves taking baths and seems to enjoy her swimming lessons as well.

I can’t believe it’s been a year already. The cliches about time flying are really true when it comes to babies. It’s been a helluva ride, and it’s just getting started. Happy birthday, baby girl.

(That’s Olivia with her Grandpa Tim. We celebrated her birthday yesterday at their house.)

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17 Responses to One year of Olivia

  1. Greg Wythe says:

    I’m sure the accumulated readership of this blog will realize time passing us all by once Olivia starts guest-blogging.

    Not that Olivia’s the reading type yet, but just in case: Happy Birthday, Olivia. May you cure yourself of all your father’s tendencies (or, at least, the really bad ones).

  2. ttyler5 says:

    Olivia, I like your cow that moos Deck the Halls and your pig that oinks Oh Christmas Tree! Did you get those from your grandpa?

  3. Patrick says:

    Chuck, you and Tiff are truly blessed. For one thing she looks like her mom which is a good thing. Nothing more off-putting than a one year old girl with a beard like yours.

    And Olivia is blessed to have you and Tiffany for parents. She can look forward to a lifetime of love and thoughtful conversation.

    Happy Birthday, Olivia.

  4. Anne says:

    Happy birthday Olivia!

  5. William Hughes says:

    When I saw the picture, I first thought, man, you’ve aged in the past year. 🙂 I’m glad you pointed out that it was Olivia’s grandfather.

    I don’t think you need to expand the menu too much if Olivia like Cheerios and avocados. Hopefully, she ate some cake yesterday.

    Happy Birthday, Olivia! (By the way, Chuck, have I mentioned that you have a beautiful baby. I know all June babies are cute (my neice’s first birthday is on the 11th, and my somewhat greater than my first birthday is on the 17th), but Olivia is absolutely beautiful.)

  6. katy says:

    For those who have not met Miss Olivia yet…

    She’s even cuter in person.

    (Of course, she managed to wrap me around her finger in 12.7 seconds, so I’m a bit biased.)


  7. Pink Lady says:

    How much for the baby girl?

  8. Steve Smith says:

    Awwwwwww…I happen to have a twenty-month old nephew, if she’s interested.

  9. Happy birthday to you, Olivia!

    What a cutie!

    Olivia story: We used to read those “Olivia” books to Maddie (now 7 — my goodness — and into reading Boxcar Kid mysteries to herself). Then I’d ask, “Who’s this book about, Maddie?” She’d say, “Olivia.” And I’d say “Olivia, too.” Ba-dah-bump. We all got a kick out of it. Well, Maddie and I did. I think her mom got tired of it after about the hundredth time.

  10. Amy says:

    Awwww…she gets cuter every day.

    Happy Birthday, Olivia! And congrats, Chuck and Tiffany, on doing such a fabulous job with that precious girl.

  11. Pete says:

    Happy belated birthday, Olivia. What is it with you kids and Elmo dolls?

  12. Happy Birthday, O!

    And Happy Birthday Stace! I turned 34 today!!

    I tell you, great people with a great date of birth!

    Have fun today!

  13. Boddhisattva says:

    How much for the Pink Lady?

  14. julia says:

    oh, happy birthday, little one.

    (you were in New York?)

  15. sean says:

    That’s great Charles! Happy Birthday Olivia!!!

  16. 'stina says:

    Happy Birthday Olivia!

  17. billmetzger says:

    i was just led to off the kuff by your terry keel posting and noticed olivia she looks great! You are blessed say hello to tiffany and give Miss O a kiss from us
    take care bill, emilie, and lil billy

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